Tag Archives: Crepes a Go Go

Crepes A Go Go Gathering for Au Pairs

crepes 2015 1

Victoria presents year-end certificates to Natasha (UK) and Frances (South Africa), both are extending another year so will complete two years with their Host Family.

Approximately 50 Au Pair in America Au Pairs gathered in Gaithersburg, (Kentlands Town Center) to sit outdoors and enjoy crepes as they connected with friends and their Senior Community Counselors: Imelda Farrell and Victoria Paton.


End of the Year completion certificates were presented to our July departures and each Au Pair was asked to impart some words of wisdom to those she is leaving behind: “Travel as much as you can”, “Communication with your Host Family is key to the success of your match – if you don’t understand – ask”, “Don’t go to Starbucks too often so you can save money for travel or take extra courses at college”, “Enjoy every moment – the time flies by!”

50+ Au Pairs at Crepes A Go Go in Kentlands

50+ Au Pairs at Crepes A Go Go in Kentlands