Tag Archives: Au Pair Education Requirement

College Fair for Au Pairs a Great Success!

Representatives from ten area colleges/institutes at which Au Pairs can study enthusiastically participated in the First Ever Au Pair in America College Fair at Potomac Community Center.

Au Pairs take 72 hours/year (Standard Au Pair) or 144 hours/year (EducarGtowne Au Pair) of education in the topics of their choice as required by the State Department.

Colleges represented: Montgomery College, Borough of Manhattan, Virginia International Univ., LADO, International Language Institute, Stratford University, L’Academie de Cuisine, Georgetown University, American University and UCLA.

“Rather than Au Pairs seeking info on educational opportunities independently around the DC area, I thought it would be better to bring the educators to the Au Pairs so they could walk around and shop opportunities, gather information, understand the registration process for each location.

College representatives thought it was a great idea, too, and we will hold another Au Pair College Fair in Fall 2016.” said Victoria Paton, Senior Community Counselor for Potomac, Bethesda, Glen Echo andCabin John, whBBMCo organized the event.






