Tag Archives: recipe

Camp Au Pair – Summer Olympics

This week’s Camp Au Pair theme Summer Olympics. The 2021 Summer Olympics are taking place in Tokyo, Japan, July 23-Aug 8.

Crafts, recipes, activities, and games related to the Summer Olympics can be found here on the Camp Au Pair Summer Olympics pinboard.

Videos – On YouTube you can find many great videos of about the Olympics.

Books – Stop by your local library and look for books about the Olympics.

Some good ones include: Olympig!, G is for Gold Medal: An Olympic Alphabet, How to Train with a T-Rex and Win 8 Gold Medals, Wilma Unlimited, America’s Champion Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle, Way to Go Alex!, Touch the Sky, Pele: King of Soccer, A Picture Book of Jesse Owens & Babar’s Celestville Games.

You may also find some of these books read aloud on YouTube.

Fun Fact: The Olympic symbol consists of five interlaced rings of equal dimensions, used alone, in one or in five different colors, which are, from left to right, blue, yellow, black, green and red. The Olympic symbol (the Olympic rings) expresses the activity of the Olympic Movement and represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games.

Image: Project Nursery

Tasty Treats to Make With Pumpkin – Part 1: Pumpkin Bread

After you’ve carved a great face or design into your pumpkin,
don’t throw away the “pumpkin pulp” or seeds.
This is a first in a series of recipes using the insides of a pumpkin!
pimpkin bread
#1 Easy to make Pumpkin Bread Recipes:

Wikipedia says: Pumpkin bread is a type of moist quick bread made with pumpkin. The pumpkin can be cooked and softened before being used or simply baked with the bread. Frequent add-ins include nuts, chocolate chips or raisins.

Click here for the recipe from PickYourOwn.org

and here is a recipe from the Food Network

Eggnog Pumpkin Bread with canned pumpkin puree

Eggnog in pumpkin bread sounds delicious…off to try it!