Living in Kitsap County, we can often get the sense that we are completely safe and may let our guards down. These tips are not intended to scare you, but to make you aware of some simple things you can do to prevent being the victim of a crime.
- Don’t read or get distracted by your cell phone while walking or standing on the street.
- Don’t wear earbuds or headphones, while walking or jogging.
- When you get into an Uber or Lyft, make sure the vehicle matches the description and the driver is who the app shows.
- When riding on any public transport, try to wait in well lit areas where there are other people and try to get into a train car with other people, rather than being alone.
- Be very careful using outside ATMs at night or in unfamiliar surroundings.
- When walking, face the oncoming traffic. It will be harder for someone to pull you into a car and abduct you. You can also see cars coming in your lane.
- Tell someone where you’ll be and what time you’re supposed to return, or if you will be with someone you don’t know well.
- If you are meeting someone new for the first time, meet in a public place.
- Don’t overload yourself with packages. If you must have your hands full, visualize how you would respond if approached, how you would get your hands free, etc.
- Don’t wear earbuds or headphones, while walking or jogging.
- Pay attention to what is going on around you and be aware of people near you.
Photo: Antonio Touriño