Monthly Archives: December 2014

Sharing Traditions – December 2014

Over 10 countries shared their unique holiday traditions this past Sunday in a host family home in Kirkland.  We heard about beach Santa’s shorts in Mexico and South Africa, St Lucia’s red (blood) belt from Sweden, St Nikolas’s shoes from Germany, and many more stories of holiday spirit around the world.  Then we stole gifts from one another in good fun and shared homemade sweets to take home and devour.

I’m the luckiest counselor around to have this crew of au pairs!

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Scavenger Hunting – November 2014

A nameless group of au pairs set out on a quest to answer clues and find stores in Bellevue Square Mall.   It was a spirited game with two groups vying for first place, but when there is leftover Halloween candy, everyone is a winner!
