Monthly Archives: February 2020

Jan 2020 Kim’s Coffee Chat

Our very own Franzi from Germany has made the cut in the finals for Au Pair In America Au Pair of the Year.  She is seen here receiving her award to return to the family who loves her so much.  Our cluster sent in more contestants than most others nationwide.  People here know how to pick a great family member!  Congrats, Franzi!  Thanks to Third Culture Coffee for hosting us!


UW Strong Women Meet up with APIA Strong Women – Jan 2020

The 20s are off to a bang and this month, nearly 100 strong, female au pairs from around the world gathered to watch other strong women in action.  Our UW Women’s Husky Basketball team.  The sounds were loud and the athleticism inspiring.  Au pairs made the big screen, complete with television interviews.  One of our favorite meetings as proud APIA community counselors.