Monthly Archives: May 2021

The Crystal Ball for a Year of the Unpredictable – May 2021

We had the au pairs vote on the cluster zoom they would find most entertaining this month and a guided Tarot card reader won with most votes.  It was a fascinating night with personal stories and encouragement from a woman who learned these arts from her grandmother growing up in Mexico City.  And some others joined to just listen and learn about another way of knowing and seeing the unpredictable world…  Open minds, open hearts and forward movement prevailed.  

Earth Day Contest and Spring Celebration – April 2021

Au Pairs celebrated Earth Day this year by purchasing and using earth friendly products, collecting trash, planting seeds, hiking, biking, going to the beach, doing yoga, taking pictures, and of course, visiting the tulips in the Skagit Valley.  Our Earth Day winner, earning the title of Earth Mothers of the Cluster and a gift card was Marine from South Africa for her self watering vegetable garden.  Congrats to all for their dedication to cleaning up