Monthly Archives: February 2022

What Made You a Better Person in 2021? & APIA Tops the Charts – January 2022

Au pairs were asked this and many more questions in our zoom reflections of the year.  Here were some highlights of what was shared:

What were your good moments and gratitudes?  travel, northern lights, snowfall, culture sharing with my host family, learning English…

What did you do right or how did you grow as a person?  learned to say goodbye, improved communication, got the courage to speak up and talk about tough moments…

What are your 2022 plans or mottos for the new year?  “ask myself, ‘why not?'” “stay safe, live more,” make more friends, say yes not no, volunteer, exercise, use social media less, be more generous,…

And speaking of 2022, we are thrilled to report that APIA again has been named the top au pair agency from VeryWell Family.   Proud of our state, regional and national team of dedicated employees!