Monthly Archives: March 2023

Serving and Protecting Global Visitors – March 2023

The World Health Organization estimates that 1 in every 3 women in the world experience violence and these stats have not improved over the past decade. Women living overseas are an especially vulnerable population, in that they are learners of a new language, surrounded by different values and behaviors. Those who have lived overseas know day-to-day interactions can feel foreign and understanding threats can get lost in cultural misinterpretations.  Step in Officer Craig of the Bellevue, WA (the largest majority-minority city in the US) police department.

Officer Craig has been teaching women’s self defense classes to his local community for just a few months now.  What the Bellevue Police are doing is fairly unique according to Officer Craig, and last Sunday, our au pair population was able to be a part of his teachings first-hand.  Officer Craig slowed down what transpires in the “mechanics” of an unequal struggle, describing how women can use the space between and their own bodies as leverage if it is not their own physical strength that will serve in the moment.  He talked through body positioning for finding the best balance, defensive tactics, illegal in boxing since they don’t serve the goal of being able to strike an opponent.  He later shared links to reinforce the moves:


Officer Craig demonstrated with care and precision these defensive moves to 30 au pairs from 12 different countries.  The women then practiced how to guard against an assailant, lessons they can take with them to their own home countries.  


Conversations around law enforcement between citizens from various parts of the globe are always interesting and what it means to “serve and protect” has taken on various interpretations, both at home and abroad, depending on the experiences or the traumas we each hold.   Officer Craig learned everyone’s names in the short amount of time we spent with him, he created a space of trust with the local police for a woman far from home, and with humility, he left us offering future support, saying that he was,  “grateful to be in a position to help in a small way.”  At the Bellevue, WA police station in a closed City Hall office on a Sunday, we found a person who was “serving and protecting” in a very proactive and caring way.