Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hiking our Hearts Out on the No Name Trail

Symbolism abounds in our day together.  The counselor is lost.  Two au pairs lead the way with better hiking apps and we find ourselves on the No Name trail and have a time.  Our adventuous group stops along the way to count our gratitudes and eat some Seattle chocolate and ends our time by sharing what challenges us, but also what we are hopeful for.  Heard in conversations, “I’m grateful for the woman I am right now.”   Great final words for this Sunday.

UW Women’s Basketball Has Hundreds of Au Pair Fans

Nothing better than the power of a strong woman!  We were 110 au pairs strong from around the globe watching these young UW college basketball athletes.  Our joint cluster event was an inspirational success this January.  Go Huskies!

Lake Talks and Pride Parades – June 2018

A smaller group of au pairs headed to the lake to have brunch and soak our toes just talking and another crew headed to show their support and experience the Pride Parade in Seattle.  The lake crew discussed some highlights and lowlights of their experience so far on program and what they have learned, experiencing all of them.  We shared cross-cultural frustrations, memories of travel adventures, and personal growth moments.  I personally appreciate the small group setting for getting to better know one another, but also loved there being a group experiencing the zeitgeist of Seattle.

Au Pairs Fall for the Falls – Snoqualmie, that is – April 2018

What was more gorgeous – these falls or the new found strength of these globally-minded women?  Au pairs headed to see the famous Snoqualmie Falls this past sunny Sunday.  We “hiked” down the hill, allowing the strong water to mist our faces as we talked about the impact of the program and the confidence and voices gained when challenged by differing languages, cultures and styles.  We bid a fond farewell to three special friends from Poland, Germany and China who had great advice for the group.   To paraphrase, “Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid.  This year will be what you make it!”

US Government Cluster Event – February 2018

How many branches does the US government have?  How often are Senators elected?  What date is the President sworn in every 4 years?  These and many other questions were answered in our video presentation and trivia game last weekend in Redmond.  Au pairs walked away with more knowledge, but were admittedly impressively wise from the start!  Then we ate pizza…


Culture Sharing for International Education Week – November 2017

Au pairs from many countries came together to talk about what their country and culture mean to them.  Practicing public speaking and educating one other was the goal for the day.  We heard about Brazilian beaches, French races, Austrian skiing, German town squares, Dutch cultural values, Chinese hotpots, Mexican pies (delicious recipe, Ana’s mom!) and Czech friendships.  I shared a cherish gift I received during my own time in Japan from an elder who wrote to me this Zen saying, “White cloud comes and goes and the mountain is blue.”  We talked about the challenges faced on exchange and remaining steady within ourselves.  On top of all this, we tasted pies that represented the US (apple pie), Washington state (marionberry pie) and Thanksgiving (pumpkin pie).  Pictured below, these strong young women who shared.

Frozen Treats with Warm Hearts – July 2017

Nothing beats some fro-yo on a hot day regardless of international taste buds!  Au pairs this month were treated to some tasty bites while we discussed the WA APIA Best Of’s.  Best place to go with kids, best classes, best hikes, etc…  A casual cluster event with friends during the heat of summer.

Au Pairs Celebrate the Season Far from Home

A group of our dedicated au pairs came together in a host family’s home in Kirkland this season to be together as a community.  We shared stories and holiday traditions (including home made delicacies from around the globe).  We then partook in a white elephant where everyone was on their best behavior and stole nothing!  Afterward we discussed how to overcome homesickness and hot travel spots were shared.  Wishing everyone a magical season here in the US, sharing and learning all that you can.





Swimming Against the Current -October 2015

“I think we’re going to the moon because it’s in the nature of the human being to face challenges. It’s by the nature of his deep inner soul… we’re required to do these things just as salmon swim upstream.”       -Neil Armstrong

The choice to become an au pair is a challenging one, one that most young women don’t make.  However, if you feel the pull to travel in your inner soul, it is like the salmon swimming upstream.  You must do it.

Last week, our au pair community gathered to watch something very Pacific Northwest in nature, we watched the salmon spawn upstream.  After witnessing this struggle, we then sat in a warm patch of grass to discuss our own struggles in the houses and with the families we now call home.  We solved each others’ anonymous childcare dilemmas with discussion and au pair to au pair advice.  Then we dispersed to check out the Issaquah Salmon Day festival food and crafts.  It was another beautiful APIA community day.


Another Lovely Host Family Day with Over 150 of Our Closest Friends – July 2015

Our host family and au pair community came together today to meet one another, share international cuisines, do some cross-cultural scavenger hunting and play a lively game of water balloon toss (au pair/host child teams!).  These, once strangers, are now family and we, as counselors, are so privileged to witness this beautiful program in action.

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