Tag Archives: bellevue

International Cookie and Culture Exchange

Close to 50 of our au pairs gathered in the home of one of our host families in Medina this month to celebrate the season.  We heard stories of children’s shoes in the window sills, Santa Lucia, barbeques, Saint Nikolas, songs from South America and Germany, food celebrations with fish on the 24th and many other traditions celebrated in this time around the globe.  Cookies and treats were exchanged as well as information and we ended our time together with a good old fashioned US American white elephant gift exchange.

However you celebrate, APIA wishes you the very best of seasons!


Salmon Take Flight – October 2012

Au pairs gathered in Issaquah at the Salmon Hatchery to learn how important these fish are to our ecosystem here in the PNW.  They saw the salmon as fry all the way to those set free in the ocean to be dinner for our orca whale population.  And in perfect Seattle fashion, the rain came down on our event!  Thanks to the group who came and who stayed…and later enjoyed some pizza and conversation in a dryer environment.

salmon oct

salmon movie