Tag Archives: homework




Au Pairs will often help their host children with homework. Here are some important hints to help make it a great experience for all!

#1In order to do your job successfully, you must know the host parent’s rules and expectations. Ask the following questions:
When is homework to be completed?
Where is homework to be done?
What supplies are available for the student?
Where shall I be when the student is doing homework?
What about music? Is that allowed while doing homework?
How much time is expected?
What about breaks?
Who will review the homework?
What if a child does not cooperate?

#2 Sharing the rules…ask for a meeting with host parents, you and children to review rules and expectations with everyone listening.

#3 Reviewing the situation…Remember to keep your host parents informed about homework issues.What is going well and what needs to be improved


#1.Take care of the basic needs: does your child need a snack or a rest? does he/she needs to touch base with mom or dad?
#2.Help your child prioritize the day’s assignments
#3.develop a schedule for the day
#4.Have the child identify what he/she can do alone, what he/she needs help with.

GUIDING THE PROCESS…Doing the homework is your child’s job. Helping if your child is having problems is your job.
Give specific praise-“that’s a great first draft”
Give constructive criticism-“your teacher will understand your ideas better if you use your best handwriting”
Be available to answer questions, read over directions together,help your child divide a challenging task into smaller pieces,be the audience as your child practices spelling or reading.


crayola Well,it is that time of the year  when our host children head back to school again!

Last Friday, au pairs from the Arlington and Falls Church APIA’s cluster met at their community counselor’s home for pizza and a discussion about School Bus Stopping Laws and how to best minimize Morning Madness as well as Homework Hassles.They all picked up information on each subject with the hope that this will help them adjust to the Back to school schedule and routine.Let’s wish them all the best for this new school year.