I recently have been thinking about whether or not working from home would be a good fit for me. My husband works from home 2 days a week and seems to be able to lock himself in a room from 8-6, coming out for a quick morsel to eat and to see the light of day for a bit. He is typically doing research and answering emails, rarely talking to a soul. I ask myself, “Could I be that isolated?”
My days are filled with face-to-face meetings, customer calls and interaction with my colleagues. But, I can do that all from home, and perhaps face-to-face meetings are overrated anyway. And so, I take the plunge. I will work from home one day a week and see how it goes.
So far, I like taking less time to get ready in the morning, avoiding a 3-hour round trip commute, and of course, being home so that my kids at least know I am in the house when they get home. I still have my child care set up – there is no way I could maintain focus without that. No matter how much I would like to say my kids would understand and quietly do their homework – that just would not happen. What I don’t like…nothing yet, but it’s only been one day, so I will keep you posted.
What about you? Do you work from home? How do you manage the separation between work and home, and how does your au pair relationship work when you are at home?