We love when our au pairs share stories about their experience here with us, especially when it comes to sweet moments with the kids. Miriam from Spain shared a drawing one of the children did for her, inspired by one of her favorite tv shows as a child:
He did it in his art room. I was making his dinner and when I went to call him I saw this. Then I picked him up and started to kiss him like crazy! He drew he and I playing “Oliver y Benji” from “Supercampeones,” a TV series that I watched when I was a child.
And Freda from Germany shared this sweet message to her host child:
Little girls with dreams become women with visions! I love you to the moon and back
The au pair program is about cultural exchange and making these kinds of meaningful connections. Thank you for sharing with us, Miriam and Freda! If you have a story you would like to share, email us at aupair.info@aifs.com or connect with us on twitter @aupairinamerica.