Seven au pairs from around the world recently supported over 24,000 athletes at the Los Angeles Marathon.
On March 24, 2019, seven Au Pair in America au pairs volunteered at the Los Angeles Marathon. The au pairs spent the day handing out water, Gatorade, and plenty of cheers to athletes throughout the race. Supporting runners from more than 63 countries, the au pairs added to the event’s international atmosphere and celebration of culture.
When asked why she volunteered at the Marathon, Iveta, an au pair from the Czech Republic, said she wanted to spread enthusiasm and support.
“I volunteered because I knew it would be a fun thing to do,” Iveta said. “I loved the fact that people were smiling and happy to see somebody smiling and supporting them. Total strangers can work as a team to be there for one another.”
Au pair Monika from Poland volunteered at the Los Angeles Marathon for similar reasons. She said, “It is a great opportunity to be part of something big. It was such a great experience when someone said thank you or just smiled after he or she took the water.”
Another au pair from Poland, Magdalena, summed up what both Iveta and Monika said when asked the same question.
“I decided to volunteer because I love the feeling of helping others,” Magdalena said. “I learned that we should always work as a team so we can be more effective.”
Undeniably, the au pairs who volunteered at the Los Angeles Marathon had similar goals in mind when signing up: to help others, offer encouragement and, overall, to spread enthusiasm. These seem to be the overwhelming themes that drive our au pairs to volunteer at various marathons across the United States each year.
“A special thank you to our wonderful au pairs who not only quenched the runners’ thirst but also cheered them on to the finish line,” Veronique Roblin, Community Counselor from Los Angeles, said. “How inspiring to witness thousands of people from all walks of life coming together to accomplish a common dream.”
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