One reason government employees likely got into their profession is the job stability it can offer, but once there’s a child in the picture, things can feel a lot less stable. While dealing with the demands of a strict schedule and a not-so-flexible leave system, being a government employee and a parent can be difficult to balance.
Here are some common issues that parents who work as government employees often face when it comes to childcare, and how hosting an au pair can help.
1. Emotional Fatigue
Problem: Depending on the nature of your work as a government employee, it’s likely that your job is considered essential. People count on you to keep agencies functioning and running, which may leave you burned out and exhausted.
Au Pair Solution: Hosting an au pair means you’ll have flexible, live-in assistance for up to 45 hours per week and up to 10 hours per day. You and your au pair can create a customized childcare schedule that works best for your needs as a government employee and is built around what your work week might look like.
2. High Stress Levels
Problem: Government employees may be asked to work long hours, juggle complicated tasks, and even to handle sensitive events. In times of uncertainty, it can be difficult to balance your responsibilities at work with those of your children, causing an increase in stress.
Au Pair Solution: If you’re going through a particularly high-stress time at work or are feeling the pressure of being everywhere all at once, hosting an au pair can ease that burden. You’ll have the presence of another adult in your home who can act as a mentor for your child or children.
3. Limited Flexibility
Problem: You may have less flexibility in your schedule, time off restrictions, or limited ability to work from home, meaning less quality time with your child.
Au Pair Solution: Worried about your child or children having supervision while you’re working or need to be in the office? Don’t be! Because your au pair lives with you and has a customizable schedule, they’ll be able to assist with things like afterschool care, sick days, and homework help. They also can assist with driving to-and-from activities, school, and more.
4. Maternity and Paternity Leave
Problem: Most government positions offer paid maternity and paternity leave, but you may want individual care for your child for longer. You may be contemplating the tough decision between being there for your child’s formative moments and earning a paycheck to provide for them.
Au Pair Solution: Did you know Au Pair in America offers Infant Qualified au pairs? These au pairs who are able to care for children younger than two years old have a minimum of 200 hours of documented experience with children under the age of two.
5. Financial Pressures
Problem: While the jobs of government employees are relatively stable, your salary and increases may be under stricter regulation than the private sector, and childcare is increasingly expensive.
Au Pair Solution: Au pairs offer tremendous value as a parent. Not only can it be a cost-effective solution for families (with Au Pair in America, the cost to host an au pair is per family, not per child), you and your children get the added value of learning about your au pair’s culture!
Government employees dealing with bureaucracy at work and a child at home can be overwhelming, but childcare assistance doesn’t have to be.
Balancing the demands of your government job with your personal commitment to your children is a challenge, but the flexibility and dependability of live-in childcare can help.