Tag Archives: children

Multi-cluster host family event was a big success!

DSC_0590Thank you SO much for coming out to our Multi-cluster picnic yesterday at Ft. McHenry. The food was fantastic, the kids had a blast, the face painting was incredible and the weather turned out to be lovely!  Thanks to all our au pairs and host families who came out and made this event turn out so wonderfully!

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Good Family time at the Piney Orchard Street Festival

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Despite warnings of bad weather it turned out to be a fantastic day for the Piney Orchard Street Festival on Saturday, May 11th.  Au pairs were on hand to answer questions about their experience as an au pair and to offer tips to interested host families on how to have a successful year and what to expect.  Children were able to make a Mother’s Day card and get their faces painted.  We were right next to the Piney Orchard Elementary School table, the rock climbing wall and the dunking booth … lots of activity for the children and the parents!  Good thing the sun came out and warmed us up from all the splashing that took place next to us!


On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ.  It is typically the most well-attended Sunday service of the year for Christian churches.  Christians believe, according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life, or was raised from the dead, three days after his death on the cross. As part of the Easter season, the death of Jesus Christ by crucifixion is commemorated on Good Friday, always the Friday just before Easter. Through his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for sin, thus purchasing for all who believe in him, eternal life in Christ Jesus.  For some wonderful craft ideas to do with your children please visit http://holidays.kaboose.com/easter/.

Au Pairs receive hands on instruction on CPR and First Aid

Red Cross

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This past Saturday, au pairs from the Annapolis cluster met for hands on training provided by the American Red Cross.  The Annapolis Evangelical Lutheran Church graciously offered their space for this event.  The au pairs received instruction on First Aid and CPR.  With the help of dolls these young ladies were able to put into practice what was taught during the 5 1/2 hour course.  This program was designed to teach the participants how to recognize and respond appropriately to infant and pediatric emergencies such as cardiac arrest, recognize the signals of a breathing emergency, how to care for a child that is chocking, identify the signals of shock, and how to check a conscious person for life-threatening and non-life threatening conditions.  This class provided participants with the knowledge and skills needed to know how to give immediate care to a suddenly injured or ill child until more advanced medical personnel arrive and take over.   All participants received a certificate of training upon the completion of this class.

Au Pairs Gather for Holiday Festivities and Fellowship

Patty Holiday 2012 photoDSC_0393 (800x531)The Annapolis, Baltimore and Columbia clusters all hosted holiday parties this month. The Annapolis cluster enjoyed a gift exchange and an international cookie swap where all the girls brought a baked good typical to their home country to share. Everyone went home with a bag of cookies from around the world. The Annapolis and Columbia clusters invited a Federal Marshal to attend to speak to the girls about personal safety when going out alone, with friends or when out with the children that have been entrusted to their care. Topics discussed included awareness of their surroundings, how to handle going shopping with children and what to do in case they find themselves to be a victim of a crime. Internet safety tips were discussed as well. The counselors presented the au pairs with a wonderful bright red umbrella with the Au Pair in America logo as our holiday gift to them. The Baltimore cluster had fun displaying their cheerful red umbrellas for the camera. It was a perfect day to hand out umbrellas as the weather was overcast and drizzly on Sunday. The cluster also did a Secret Santa gift exchange. Everyone left with a little gift, and feeling very much in the spirit of the season.  We wish all the au pairs, the host families and their beautiful children a blessed and wonderful holiday, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Healthy Eating!

Continuing the Educational theme, after the Red Cross Class in September, members of the Baltimore cluster visited Whole Foods in Mt. Washington for a tour of the store given by the Healthy Eating Specialist, Heidi Barboy. She gave us a tour around the store, and most importantly “free samples” of some delicious foods. I was reminded of what a great community resource Whole Foods is. They have a calendar of events that often has activities for children.

Here is a link for Nutrition Tips for Kids & Teens, on their site:


Au Pairs Enjoyed the Annapolis Summer Garden Theater

At the end of summer and before school officially began for children, au pairs from the Annapolis cluster met for ice cream on Main Street to welcome the new summer arrivals.  Afterwards we enjoyed a wonderful show under the stars (it didn’t rain on us until the very last minute!) called Xandu at the Annapolis Outdoor Summer Garden Theater on Dock Street.  We even had an opportunity to meet some of the local actors which was a great treat! photo (13) - Copyphoto (15) - Copy

February 2 – Today is Ground Hog Day

Traditionally, the groundhog is supposed to wake up on February 2, and come up out of his burrow. If he sees his shadow, he will return to the burrow for six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, he remains outside and starts his year, because he knows that spring has arrived early. In the U.S., the “official” groundhog is kept in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and is called “Phil.” Though not based in science, it is a fun US tradition.  The movie, starring Bill Murray is hilarious!

Halloween Safety

Every Halloween night, a chill fills the air as little ghouls and ghosts take to the streets for a night of Trick-or-Treating. Halloween is a time for frights and fun, but is also a time when parents and children should focus on safety.

Tips for a safe Halloween

Remember to follow these safety tips to help ensure you and your “Trick-or-Treaters” have a safe and enjoyable experience this year:

  • Wear bright clothing or reflective gear; Carry a flashlight if out after dark;
  • Know the route that your children will be taking if you aren’t going with them;
  • Younger children should go with adults: at least a 4:1 ratio is preferable;
  • If possible, give your kids a cell phone and check in with them at specified intervals;
  • Have an understood time for everyone to be home;
  • Explain the difference between a “trick” and “vandalism.” This is also another good opportunity to discuss peer pressure. More often than not, kids participate in acts that they know are wrong because a “friend” led the way.

Baby Safety Month

photo by craftycars

photo by craftycars

There are many safety tips on the Au Pair in America website http://aupairinamerica.com/.  In honor of Baby Safety Month, here are some more specific baby tips: 

  • Check condition and sturdiness of toys. Discard any with sharp edges or are broken or falling apart.
  • Check children’s clothing for loose buttons and strings.
  • Is baby’s pacifier still in good condition? If not, toss it. Never use strings to attach the pacifier to baby’s clothes or crib.
  • Where do you set baby’s carrier when she’s in it? Not on the counter, or any high surface. Babies can wiggle and tip themselves over.
  • Walkers can be dangerous (especially old ones that don’t meet today’s safety standards), they allow baby to move very quickly and reach things they normally can’t. Never use around stairs.
  • Stroller check. If your stroller is collapsible, be sure latches are secure before putting baby in. Always check that your child’s arms are out of the way when reversing handle directions so they won’t get pinched. Be sure to use that safety strap. Don’t hang overloaded or heavy bags on the handle of the stroller; this may cause it to tip over.
  • Can you name the 12 most common choking foods for kids under five? Popcorn, hot dogs, chunks of meat, raisins, ice cubes, chunky peanut butter, nuts of any kind, hard candy, grapes, raw carrots, potato chips and corn chips. Don’t leave toddlers alone while eating; if they begin to choke you need to be nearby to assist.
  • Get a piggy bank: this is a great place to put coins so they don’t end up on the floor, in the couch cushions and then baby’s mouth.
  • Never leave your child unattended in the bathtub. If the phone rings, let the machine get it.