Tag Archives: au pair acitivity

Walk for Hunger cluster event

Last Sunday our cluster participated with cluster from the greater Boston area in the Walk for Hunger, a community event to raise money for the hungry people in MA.

Getting ready for the 20 miles: Liv,Violetta and Lynn from Germany with Elina from Russia

Getting ready for the 20 miles

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Done with 20 miles. This year more then 40 auapirs finished the 20 miles

Done with 20 miles. This year more then 40 auapirs finished the 20 miles

1017040_10203747666481249_6247816525248661900_n - CopyFor more pictures please go to : Walk for Hunger 2014

Snowtubing January Cluster meeting

Last weekend we went Snow  tubing with our cluster and had a lot of fun together.

Outdoor fun on the slopes with the tubes

Outdoor fun on the slopes with the tubes

Ana from Spain, Luz from Colombia, Diana from Spain and

Ana from Spain, Luz from Colombia, Diana from Spain and Noy from Israel

Julia and Esther from Germany taking a break indoors to warm up with hot chocolate and sweets.

Julia and Esther from Germany taking a break indoors to warm up with hot chocolate and sweets.

Violetta and Annika from Germany

Violetta and Annika from Germany

Luz from Colombia with Ana and Diana from Spain

Luz from Colombia with Ana and Diana from Spain

Annika, Violetta, Rebecca and Anka from Germany

Annika, Violetta, Rebecca and Anka from Germany

Noy from Israel with Lauren from South Africa

Noy from Israel with Lauren from South Africa

Clemence and Allison from France received with many others their education certificate after completing the credits for the aupair program.

Clemence and Allison from France received with many others their education certificate after completing the credits for the aupair program.

Julia received all 12 credits for the Educare aupair program already

Julia received all 12 credits for the Educare aupair program already

Vanessa from Brazil got also in her second year as an aupair 6 credits together again

Vanessa from Brazil got also in her second year as an aupair 6 credits together again

Having fun: Regina and Gianin from Germany

Having fun: Regina and Gianin from Germany

For more pictures please go to Snow tubing 2014