Tag Archives: crafts

Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on this Sunday October 2nd and ends in the evening of Tuesday October 4th.

The customs and symbols of Rosh Hashanah reflect the holiday’s dual emphasis on both happiness and humility. Customs observed on Rosh Hashanah include the sounding of the shofar (a musical horn) and eating special foods including round challah (bread), which symbolizes the circle of life, and sweet foods for a sweet New Year. It is also customary to extend wishes for a good year. In Hebrew, the simple form of the greeting is “L’shanah tovah!”

Here is a great site for children including information about the holiday traditions, games, word searches, Hebrew vocabulary and crafts.


Want to try cooking for the holiday? Find out how to make Challah, Honey Cakes…and lots more here:
