Tag Archives: All American Past time

All American Past Time

Some of the Long Island Au Pairs went to the Long Island Ducks Baseball game this past weekend.DSCN1270

011What better way is there to spend a summer evening than watching the All American past time?  The Au Pairs got to experience the game up close at the family friendly Ducks Stadium.  The professional baseball team won the game, scored some home runs, and gave a great show to the au pairs for their first ever baseball game.  In between innings, there are silly contests with fans from the stands.  Sons tried to break water balloons over their dad’s heads, a father and son played bocce bowling, and even a karoke singer got a few cheers from the au pairs!  Everyone got enjoyed the antics of Quaker Jack the team mascot!  Quite a few foul balls were sent in our direction, but not close enough for any au pair to catch!
Aisha from Canada and Ella from South Africa with Quacker Jack!
Aisha from Canada and Ella from South Africa with Quacker Jack!