Tag Archives: long island au pair

Au Pairs and Host Families Enjoy Stony Brook Holiday Festival

20151206_132540_resized (1)On Sunday, December 6th Au Pair in America Suffolk County Au Pairs and Host Families decorated a tree for the Promenade of Trees in Stony Brook Village.  It was a beautiful, warm day and everyone enjoyed the festivities.  20151206_132012_resized

20151206_132501_resizedCindy Garruba, Senior Community Counselor for APIA, had decorations for the kids to make.  We handed out coloring books to the kids waiting online to see Santa.  Santa arrived in a horse drawn carriage at 2 pm to listen to all the kids’ Christmas wishes.  There was a petting zoo, performers doing skits and singing songs.  100s of trees were decorated throughout the village and will be up through till the New Year.

Come down and check out Au Pair in America’s International Peace Tree just to the east of the Post Office right in front of the Stony Brook Gift Shop!20151206_140610_resized20151206_143526_HDR_resized20151206_143421_HDR_resized

Happy Hanukkah 2015!

Happy Hanukkah

Hanukkah begins at sundown this Sunday, December 6th and ends on Monday, December 14th

Hanukkah is the Jewish Feast of Lights or Feast of Dedication. The Hebrew word Hanukkah means dedication. The holiday begins on the eve of the 25th day of the Hebrew Month of Kislev and lasts eight days. Hanukkah usually falls in the month of December, but occasionally can start in November.

The history

The books of the Maccabees tell the story of Hanukkah which occurred in 165 B.C. After three years of struggle, the Jews in Judea defeated the Syrian tyrant Antiochus. The Jewish people held festivities in the Temple of Jerusalem, and rededicated it to God. After removing all Syrian idols from the Temple, the Jews found only one small pot of oil to light their holy lamps. Miraculously, the small pot provided oil for eight days. Judas Maccabaeus, the Jewish leader, then proclaimed a festival to be observed by Jewish people.

Hannukah Traditions

The Menorah

The centerpiece of the Hanukkah celebration is the Hanukkah or menorah, a candelabra that holds nine candles. Eight candles symbolize the number of days that the Temple lantern blazed; the ninth, the shamash, is a helper candle used to light the others. Families light one candle on the first day, two on the second (and so on) after sundown during the eight days of Hanukkah, while reciting prayers and singing songs. The menorah — either store-bought or homemade and crafted of metal, wood, papier mache, or clay — is filled from right to left, but lit left to right so each new candle is lit first.

Singing Songs

Hanukkah — one of the most family-oriented of Jewish holidays — comes with its own set of carols sung around the glowing menorah. These celebrate everything from the glory of God and the ancient Temple of the Jews (“Maoz Tzur”) to the simplicity of a dreidel (see below), as in “Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel/I made it out of clay/And when it’s dry and ready/Dreidel I shall play.”

Yummy Treats

There’s nothing low-fat about Hanukkah – many of the traditional foods of the holiday are deep-fried. In honor of the oil-y miracle people celebrating Hannukah like to eat foods that are fried in oil like latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganyot (jelly-filled doughnuts) and different fried breads.  Want to have a go at making something?  There are lots of recipes for yummy treats here: http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/454611/jewish/Chanukah-Recipes.htm

Spinning Tops

It’s customary to play with dreidels (spinning tops) during the holiday, even wage gambling games in which players guess which side of the top will fall face up. Legend has it that during the Greek-Syrian dictatorship in Israel of yore, Jews got around the ban on reading the Torah by bringing spinning tops to study sessions so their oppressors would think they were just playing around. The Hebrew characters carved into the four sides of today’s dreidels are the first letters of “Ness Gadol Haya Po/Sham,” which roughly translates to “Great Miracle Happened Here/There” (depending on whether you’re in Israel or not).

For fun and educational activities for children go to http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/hanukkah/

Directions to play the Dreidel game (Play for Hershey kisses, a great way to have fun with the kids):  http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/hanukkah/dreidel-game.html

A very Happy Hanukkah to all!


Au Pair in America Loves Radio City Christmas Spectacular!

On Sunday, November 22 Au Pair in America Au Pairs from Long Island and Westchester attended the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City.  Everyone loved it!  There are some changes to the show which made it even more fun this year.  This year we had 200 au pairs attend the performance.  Check out the show! 20151122_154636_resized

Halloween Safety Tips


Ana carves pumpkin with her host kids!

  • Kids must trick or treat with an adult, HAVE FUN AND TRICK OR TREAT WITH YOUR HOST KIDS! (even if you are going to a party later!)
  • Stay in familiar neighborhoods
  • Walk, don’t run
  • Stay on sidewalks if possible
  • Obey traffic signals, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic
  • Don’t cut across yards or driveways
  • Only go to homes that have lights on, never go inside a house of a stranger
  • Carry a flashlight, wear reflective markings or tape
  • Make sure costumes do not drag on the floor and wear shoes that fit, even if they don’t match the costume
  • Good makeup job is better than a mask that might obstruct your vision
  • Carry only flexible knives, swords or other props
  • Stay away from pets you don’t know
  • Check the candy before eating, better yet let the parents decide what the kids can eat


Other ways to have Halloween Fun

  • Help the kids (and you) plan/make/buy your costumes
  • Decorate the house for Halloween
  • Read age appropriate Halloween stories with your host kids
  • Watch an age appropriate Halloween DVD with your host kids
  • Have a costume contest
  • Help hand out candy to the Trick or Treaters
  • Trick or Treat for a good cause, like UNICEF
  • Carve or paint pumpkins with your host family
  • Go to the kid’s school if they have a Halloween activity like a costume parade or party that family can attend
  • Go to a farm, pick pumpkins, walk through a corn maze, go to a haunted house (again that might be just fun with your au pair friends – sometimes too scary for kids
  • Enjoy Halloween with your host family and your friends!

Annual Au Pair in America NYC Scavenger Hunt

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12187781_10153727645478792_2729845981851021747_n (2)A wonderful day was spent in NYC with over 200 au pairs from Au Pair in America.  All of these au pairs live on Long Island, NYC, Westchester or Connecticut.  20 Community Counselors from APIA organized the event and met the au pairs on the steps of the main NYC library.    They had a list of 30 items to find!  1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th prize certificates and prizes  were awarded.  6 au pairs won raffles prizes for wearing their APIA t-shirt.  12189011_10153727645728792_7607194800356303659_n 11218832_10153727645678792_6310945794105244940_n 12189831_10153727645603792_2574296649554393804_n

This activity is a lot of fun for everyone involved.  The au pairs learn a lot about NYC and many return to take a closer look at the items on the list in future visits to NYC.  APIA Community Counselors arrange monthly meetings for their cluster of au pairs.  Some are educational meetings and some are cultural activities.  All these meetings foster friendships between au pairs and give them opportunities to learn more about the communities within in which they reside with host families.  12189804_10153727646258792_4257546030921812070_n 12036941_10153727646563792_2582712890206739769_n 12065593_10153727646328792_4761234739197617258_n 12036743_10153727645748792_3182877692232764886_n 11100221_10153727646363792_4336301946179518213_n12038321_10153727646078792_7547123047958997954_n12191084_10153727645963792_565970619114058956_n12043019_10153727645823792_2094321633353707192_n

Au Pairs Canoe on the Nissequoque River


20150712_103752_resizedA group of Long Island Au Pair in America au pairs and two Community Counselors spent this Sunday afternoon canoeing for 2 hours on the Nissequoque River.  It was a beautiful day.  We passed ducks, swans, egrets and lots of other people enjoying the river.

20150712_112556_resizedThe au pairs each teamed up with 3 to a canoe.  They took turns paddling and navigating their way down the lazy river.  It was fun to see the other people on the river.

When we got to the end, Community Counselor Cindy Garruba presented Maria Tarnopolskaia from Germany with her Education Completion Certificate and a good bye gift.  This was Maria’s last cluster meeting before returning home to Germany!20150712_131052_resized


Au Pairs Walk the High Line

On Sunday, May 17th some Long Island Au Pairs from Au Pair in America walked with their Community Counselors on the NYC High Line.  It was a nice afternoon for everyone.  You can learn more about the NYC High Line by clicking on this link.

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Au Pairs Graduate from SCCC ESL Program!

IMG_20150515_191959 IMG_20150515_192230Suffolk County Community College has an excellent ESL program for adult students.  Many Au Pair in America au pairs choose SCCC for their required college classes.  Since there are 5 levels of English classes to graduate from the ESL program, often au pairs will extend for a second year because they want to complete the 5 levels.IMG_1354

SCCC held ESL graduation on Friday, May 15th at 7:30 PM at the Van Nostrand Auditorium on the Grant or Western Campus of the college. The ceremony was very moving with several graduates telling stories about their journey to the USA and why they came.  The au pairs all dressed up, friends, host families, and even a family from Germany came to watch their au pairs graduate.

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This Spring 6 Au Pair in America Au Pairs graduated from the ESL program.  Congratulations to Maria Tarnopolskaia, Judith Berthold, Carolin Maier, Min Wu, Nathalie Wurfel and Manuela Nascimento. As their Community Counselor, Cindy Garruba was happy to attend the ceremony and congratulated each individually with roses.

2 au pairs writings were featured in the program tonight. Shoot for the Moon Think Big IMG_6100The State Department requires each au pair attend an accredited College or University for 6 credits or 72 hours of post secondary education for each year in the USA.  Host families contribute $500 towards this education requirement.  One semester of ESL satisfies the requirement, but many au pairs attend for several semesters.  Au Pairs can stay for 2 years in America.



Happy Mother’s Day!


Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day!  I want to take this opportunity to thank all the Host Moms for all they do for their Au Pairs.  I hope the day is extra special and that you each have time to enjoy the day with your families!

“Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.” Zora Neale Hurston

A special day in the honor of mothers, Mothers Day is celebrated in several countries around the world though on different dates. In a large number of countries including US, Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in the month of May, but in many other countries Mothers Day is celebrated in an entirely different time of the year. But what ever may be the date of Mother’s Day around the world, the spirit is the same everywhere. Everywhere in the world mothers are respected for their extreme devotion towards their kids. And on Mother’s Day children pay their humblest tribute to their mothers and thank them for giving them birth and providing them with the best of care and upbringing.




Baby Animal Day at Suffolk County Farm

Host Family & Au Pair Day 2015

Suffolk County Au Pair in America Cluster visit Suffolk County Farm for Baby Animal Day!



Baby animal daySaturday, May 2nd the Suffolk County Au Pair in America au pairs and their host families enjoyed Baby Animal Day at Suffolk County Farm.


The highlights included:

  • Playing with the baby animals in the nursery
  • Chicks hatching and petting them
  • Wagon rides
  • Petting a caterpillar and crafts in the butterfly house
  • Sand art
  • Long Island Antique Power Association equipment demo
  • Music in the Gazebo
  • Sheep shearing demo
  • Watching the calves being fed
  • Pony rides
  • Picnic lunch and playing in the playground
  • Coloring, stickers and temporary tattoos with Au Pair in America

There were llamas, sheep, pigs, rabbits, cows and other farm animals. Suffolk County Farm is a working farm owned by the county. It is a wonderful place to visit with your family. http://ccesuffolk.org/suffolk-county-farmIMG_20150502_113606