Tag Archives: suffolk county au pair



September is back to routine and school month.  Many au pairs from Au Pair in America arrive to their new host in the summer and their first chance to meet the local au pairs is at the September meeting.

20150927_140953_resizedWe start by doing some peace ornaments that will be displayed our Au Pair in America International Peace Tree in the Stony Brook Holiday Promenade of Trees.  Everyone gets a chance to be creative and chat with each other during the craft project.20150927_140932_resized20150927_150037_resized

Then we moved inside to have a lesson on back to school routine, playground safety, school bus stop safety, driving tips, baby safety month and more.  Everyone introduced themselves, talked about when they arrived in the USA, about the kids in the host family and what they hoped to see in the USA.  Friendships are very important among the au pairs and many new ones begin at cluster meetings.

We talked about upcoming Cluster activities like a Scavenger Hunt in NYC and seeing the Radio City Christmas Spectacular!

Then some food and conversation, and a group picture!



Au Pairs Canoe on the Nissequoque River


20150712_103752_resizedA group of Long Island Au Pair in America au pairs and two Community Counselors spent this Sunday afternoon canoeing for 2 hours on the Nissequoque River.  It was a beautiful day.  We passed ducks, swans, egrets and lots of other people enjoying the river.

20150712_112556_resizedThe au pairs each teamed up with 3 to a canoe.  They took turns paddling and navigating their way down the lazy river.  It was fun to see the other people on the river.

When we got to the end, Community Counselor Cindy Garruba presented Maria Tarnopolskaia from Germany with her Education Completion Certificate and a good bye gift.  This was Maria’s last cluster meeting before returning home to Germany!20150712_131052_resized


Water & Summer Safety Cluster Meeting

IMG_20150614_140727On Sunday, July 14th Long Island Au Pairs gathered at Community Counselor, Cindy Garruba’s beach house for the annual Water & Summer Safety Meeting.  Safe tips on watching children and themselves at pools and the beach was discussed.  Also covered was preventing sunburn by using sunscreen, avoiding high sun times of day and proper clothing.  They au pairs learned how to recognize poison ivy, preventing exposure, what to do if exposed and the care for the rash.  Cindy explained Lyme disease, the difference between a deer and dog tick, the bull’s eye rash, care and treatment.IMG_20150614_145021 (1)

The au pairs enjoyed time on the beach, each other’s company and even had a yoga class.IMG_20150614_152433







We said good byes to au pairs who are heading home soon, and welcomed new au pairs! IMG_20150614_165034









Everyone enjoyed an all American dessert in celebration of Flag Day, June 14th!  Strawberries and blueberries fresh from the farm stand, whipped cream and pastry shells!  Yummy!



Memorial Day Festivities

Things to do with kids: Memorial Day Weekend Events for Kids and Families on Long Island


There’s nothing like a Memorial Day parade  for a little slice of Americana.  Kids enjoy wearing their red-white-and-blue and proudly waving the American flag as they salute the vets who nobly walk the parade route accompanied by marching bands, scout troops, fire trucks, and more.  The Suffolk County Fair is fun to visit: http://www.brookhavenfair.com/   Check out the Air Show at Jones Beach:  http://www.jonesbeach.com/


Suffolk County Au Pairs Celebrate!


Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, and was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. The first state to officially recognize the holiday was New York in 1873. By 1890 it was recognized by all of the northern states then others followed. It is now celebrated on the last Monday in May (passed by Congress with the National Holiday Act of 1971 to ensure a three day weekend for Federal holidays).

Americans honor those who have lost their lives for their country by visiting cemeteries, placing flags and flowers on graves, flying the U.S. flag at half-staff until noon and attending parades. Children can be a part of Memorial Day too.  Here are some links to children’s activities:





How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!”  ~Maya Angelou

Au Pairs Walk the High Line

On Sunday, May 17th some Long Island Au Pairs from Au Pair in America walked with their Community Counselors on the NYC High Line.  It was a nice afternoon for everyone.  You can learn more about the NYC High Line by clicking on this link.

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Au Pairs Graduate from SCCC ESL Program!

IMG_20150515_191959 IMG_20150515_192230Suffolk County Community College has an excellent ESL program for adult students.  Many Au Pair in America au pairs choose SCCC for their required college classes.  Since there are 5 levels of English classes to graduate from the ESL program, often au pairs will extend for a second year because they want to complete the 5 levels.IMG_1354

SCCC held ESL graduation on Friday, May 15th at 7:30 PM at the Van Nostrand Auditorium on the Grant or Western Campus of the college. The ceremony was very moving with several graduates telling stories about their journey to the USA and why they came.  The au pairs all dressed up, friends, host families, and even a family from Germany came to watch their au pairs graduate.

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This Spring 6 Au Pair in America Au Pairs graduated from the ESL program.  Congratulations to Maria Tarnopolskaia, Judith Berthold, Carolin Maier, Min Wu, Nathalie Wurfel and Manuela Nascimento. As their Community Counselor, Cindy Garruba was happy to attend the ceremony and congratulated each individually with roses.

2 au pairs writings were featured in the program tonight. Shoot for the Moon Think Big IMG_6100The State Department requires each au pair attend an accredited College or University for 6 credits or 72 hours of post secondary education for each year in the USA.  Host families contribute $500 towards this education requirement.  One semester of ESL satisfies the requirement, but many au pairs attend for several semesters.  Au Pairs can stay for 2 years in America.



Happy Mother’s Day!


Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day!  I want to take this opportunity to thank all the Host Moms for all they do for their Au Pairs.  I hope the day is extra special and that you each have time to enjoy the day with your families!

“Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.” Zora Neale Hurston

A special day in the honor of mothers, Mothers Day is celebrated in several countries around the world though on different dates. In a large number of countries including US, Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in the month of May, but in many other countries Mothers Day is celebrated in an entirely different time of the year. But what ever may be the date of Mother’s Day around the world, the spirit is the same everywhere. Everywhere in the world mothers are respected for their extreme devotion towards their kids. And on Mother’s Day children pay their humblest tribute to their mothers and thank them for giving them birth and providing them with the best of care and upbringing.




Earth Day on Long Island

earth-day-events-and-activities-on-long-island-2014While Earth Day is officially on April 22 this year, celebrations are being held throughout the month. Everyone from kids to adults can get into an Earth friendly mindset. Maybe children can even learn ecological values and practices that will last a lifetime. We’ve rounded up several events and activities across Long Island.


Earthstock Festival
Stony Brook University
Monday, April 20-Friday, April 24
Stony Brook University’s Earthstock is a week-long event starting on Monday. Events range from a lecture on Ecological Restoration to an exploratory adventure on Science at Sea. On Friday  there is an outdoor festival, which features more than 100 educational exhibitors, live music performances by Andean flutists and Aztec dancers, a drumming circle with audience participation and street performers. Don’t miss out on the rubber duck races at 2pm, 2:30pm ice cream social and the 3pm Drum Line and Color Guard Showcase.

Eco Carnival
Suffolk County Environmental Center
Saturday, April 25
Seatuck Environmental Association and Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone present the Eco Carnival. A full day of family fun featuring nature programs, live animals, music, art, games and food to celebrate Earth Day 2015. Carnival Booths for henna, wild animal face painting, flying squirrel slingshot, native plant potting, biking skills and safety.

Earth Day Celebration
The Common Ground, Sayville
Saturday, April 25
Vendors, crafts, information and more about Earth Day. This is an annual event.

Celebrate Earth Day
Downs Farm Preserve, Cutchogue
Saturday, April 25
Games, hikes, learning, live music and more.

It’s Not Easy Being Green Yard & Craft Sale
Sweetbriar Nature Center
Saturday, April 25-Sunday, April 26
Buy your mother a gift for Mother’s Day, get ready for next year’s holidays a bit early, or simply treat yourself to a gift. To top it off,help the Earth by buying reused and recycled products to reduce your impact on the planet.



Many local libraries are having Earth Day events, check your local library!

Happy Thai New Year 2015!


Songkran 2015 – The Biggest Water Fight Festival in Thailand – Traditional Thai New Year 2015. When is Songkran in Thailand? Songkran 2015 festival will take place April 13th through the 15th, a festival that is the country’s traditional New Years Eve celebration.

Songkran in Bangkok Songkran in Chiang Mai Songkran in Pattaya
Songkran in Bangkok Songkran in Chiang Mai Songkran in Pattaya

The Songkran Festival is also known as the Thai New year or Thailand Water Festival, originally celebrated as a way for the Thai people to sprinkle water on their family members and elders for good fortune and pay their respects to images of the beloved Buddha. Today, the festival has transitioned into 3 days of water play fun, splashing locals and visitors alike with buckets of water, water hoses and super soakers as they gather in the streets.

Au Pair Orientation

Some Au Pair in America Au Pairs at Orientation

Some Au Pair in America Au Pairs at Orientation


Au Pair Orientation is an important part of the Au Pair in America program.  Every one of our au pairs goes directly to Orientation when she arrives to the USA before she travels to her host family.

We have trainers who have developed the leading au pair training program in the USA.  The program includes an Intro to the United States for the Au Pair, Cultural Adaptation, Child Care Training, American Red Cross Safety Workshop, Communication Techniques, Discipline and Management of Children.

Au Pairs stay in a beautiful hotel and can take an optional NYC Bus tour.  The trainer, the logistics coordinator and a Community Counselor are all present throughout the Orientation to assist each au pair so she makes a smooth transition to her host family.

New Au Pair Nathalia from Brazil and her Community Counselor Cindy Garruba

New Au Pair Nathalia from Brazil and her Community Counselor Cindy Garruba

The final day is one of nervous excitement as the au pairs prepare to leave the comfort of the hotel and go out all over the USA to join their host families!  Au Pair in America is dedicated to preparing these wonderful young women for their important responsibilities and for cultural exchange.  Orientation is a wonderful experience for the au pairs, but the best experience is their year with their host families.