Western Europe
Capital: Amsterdam
Languages: Dutch, regional languages
Predominant Religion(s): Christianity
- Dutch applicants are open and down to earth.
- They are hard workers.
- They are polite, friendly and social.
- The colors of the Dutch flag are red, white, and blue. Red stands for the people, white for the church, and blue for nobility.
- Dutch people are on average the tallest people in the world. (Women 5 ft 7 and men 6 ft).
- The total length of all roads together in the Netherlands is 132,397 km. That’s about four times around the world!
- How are you? Hoe gaat het?
- Fine, thanks. Goed, dank je wel.
- My name is… Mijn naam is…
- Nice to meet you. Leuk je te ontmoeten.
- Thank you. Dank je wel.
“It’s a life changing experience. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about everything I’ve learned, all the amazing times I spent with friends and family and all the people I met. Being an Au Pair in America is my story of success so far – more are to come!” – Jodie – au pair from the Netherlands
Photo by Crash71100 {flickr}