Tag Archives: Au Pair

Au Pairs Get Certified at MEGA American Red Cross Class

On a chilly Sunday, 35 Au Pairs traveled from all over the DC Region to become certified by the American Red Cross in Infant/Child CPR & First Aid.


Au Pairs from Thailand work as a team to remove blockage from baby’s airway.

The class was offered free of charge to Au Pairs by Au Pair in America and was hosted by Connelly School of the Holy Child in Potomac, Maryland.

Baby AnneAll the young women care for small children every day as Au Pairs and they realize the importance of these lifesaving skills. They were at full attention for 5 1/2 hours for hands-on practice, lecture and videos depicting real-life  situations.

View a video of this class as the Au Pairs learn to rescue a “choking baby”.

Frank and his team from Red Cross supplied 20 “Baby Anne” dolls which permitted hands-on practice with realistic chest compression and chest rise as well as life-like nose pinch for mouth-to-nose ventilation. The “Baby Anne” dolls also were realistic to react to foreign-body airway obstruction through back blows and chest-thrust


Elise from France and Sabrina from Germany, who had never met before, became fast friends as they tended to each others’ “wounds”.

first aid

A good-spirited Au Pair from Colombia volunteered to be an accident victim bandaged by our class instructor in a  lesson on bleeding and broken bones.



Marta from Poland worked with Nam from Thailand to “stop bleeding”.








The 35 Au Pairs from South Africa, Colombia, Thailand, Brazil, Germany, Poland etc. now are officially certified by the American Red Cross for 2 years, and received a large, lapel pin to wear with pride.


Bravo to these young women who voluntarily gave up their free time on a Sunday, to increase their childcare skills!


All eyes on Frank from American Red Cross as he demonstrated what to do for a bloody or broken nose.



Au Pairs Prepared for Winter Driving with Special AAA Class!

Just in time to be ready for the cold temps and possible snow soon to arrive to the DC area. Au Pairs in Victoria Paton’s and Imelda Farrells’s clusters met last week at the Cabin John Volunteer Fire Department for a class on Winter Driving with AAA Mid Atlantic (and former police officer) Joe Beddick.


The 60 Au Pairs learned about preparing a car for winter driving, clearing car of snow, going slow etc.


After his talk, Mr. Beddick, showed some very real videos about what happens when drivers are distracted by phone or texting etc., reminding them that it is illegal in the state of Maryland.20161129_200517

At the end of the meeting, Counselors raffled off prizes such as snow melt, snow scrapers, hand warmers, gloves, shovels etc. for Au Pairs to keep in their cars…just in case.


C’est La Vie – Au Pairs Celebrate France at Crêpes A Go Go

An annual favorite, Au Pairs from Potomac all the way north to Frederick, MD gathered together to enjoy a variety of French crêpes at Crêpes A Go Go in the Kentlands.


Au Pairs who completed their year in July or August received their completion certificates and offered advise: “Communicate with your host family”, “Make lots of friends”, “Travel whenever you can”..

5079It was a scorching evening but the feelings of Au Pairs getting to know new friends and saying goodbye to old was warm.

                 A bientôt mes amies!

bon voyage

Spartan Race a Great Milestone for Au Pair from Poland

Magda was 18 months into her 2nd year as an Au Pair, when she heard about the Spartan Race in Blue Mountain, PA from a friend.


Muddy crawl under wires.

She decided that would be a super goal and an accomplishment to aim for as she finishes her two years in Potomac, MD.  So, Magda and her friend trained every day for at least half-a-year to be ready for the Race.

“It’s a 5-mile race total and it involved so many things: jumping walls, climbing ropes, monkey bars (I don’t think there is a word in Polish for these…). We had to go on our stomach in the mud under wires, and in the end we had to jump over fire!”


Hauling rocks up and down the hill.

When asked how long it took to complete the race, Magda replied “About 3 hours because it took a while to do some of the running: up and down one hill we had to have a big, wooden board on our backs. For another we had to fill a bucket with rocks and carry it up and down the hill.”

It was one of the best things she has ever done she announced. “It was so cool – I got a medal too!  I want to participate in this in Poland also.”


Magda running over fire at the finish.

Victoria beams: “As a Counselor for more than 16 years, Au Pairs like Magda always makes me SO proud.  I see Au Pairs reaching for the stars…setting goals and accomplishing them.  I encourage my Au Pairs to create a Vision Board at the beginning of their year to pin-up their photos of their goals (academic, travel, athletic, social etc.), and the board can remind them what they came to America to achieve as the year unfolds.”

magda gold

Magda is an all-around winner


Magda departs her current Host Family on Tuesday for a trip out-west before returning to Poland. Both her Host Family and her Counselor, get tearful thinking about saying goodbye. But Magda has goals, and we all know that wherever she is, she will achieve whatever she puts her mind to.

After 16 Years, Counselor and Au Pair (now Award-winning Film-maker) REUNITED!

For years, Senior Community Counselor, Victoria Paton, had been trying to locate a former Au Pair from her first years as a CC…Heidi Brandenburg from Germany.  Heidi was special to the Paton family because in the year 2000, Heidi lived temporarily in their Potomac home. (Her host mom had become ill and they needed a full time nanny to care for the family while the mother recovered so she was housed by CC until a new family could be found). Heidi had made an important impact on the Paton’s lives in those 2 weeks she stayed with them, but she didn’t know it, and Victoria was determined to thank her 🙂

The background: It was September 2000 and time for Victoria’s son’s 6th birthday pool-party. Heidi wanted to pitch in, so she made trays of cut up sausages and fruit on sticks- German-style. She walked to the Right Aid and purchased a large green poster board and made a marker/glitter sign “Happy 6th Birthday, Jai”. The party was great, and soon Heidi matched out of state and they all, sadly, lost touch.


Hari’s birthday with Jai standing 2006.

But that was not all…”That birthday poster became a special treasure for our family…EVERY year thereafter that  poster was hung as part of the family’s  ‘birthday throne’ and subsequently was in the background of EVERY photo of EVERY Paton family member’s birthday from that year forward age: 7,8,9…15, 16…20, 21. And not just for Jai but for his brother and me too. When we moved a few times, we always had to be sure that ‘The Birthday Sign’ was included.”

A wonderful Au Pair,  Jasmin from 2014, helped Victoria find Heidi via Social Media…to our surprise Heidi was nearby – currently living in Silver Spring, MD (30 minutes away!!) And, in February of this year, Heidi and Victoria connected via text promising to meet soon not disclosing to Heidi about “The Birthday Poster”. Victoria wanted it to be a surprise!

Heidi Brandenburg, who is half Peruvian, had been living in the Peruvian jungle for many years after film school. She had since married and has two adorable daughters. Heidi has been very busy and created and filmed “When Two Worlds Collide” a documentary about the devastation of the Peruvian rain forest.  The film won awards at Sundance and has made the documentary circuit around the world. It was recently shown at AFI Cinema and Tribeca in NYC.


Heidi on right receiving award for her film at Sundance.

On July 29th, Heidi and Victoria were able to hug in person: Heidi and her family, came as guests of honor to Victoria’s Cluster S’mores Party. Now in her 30’s, Heidi briefly spoke to the young Au Pairs about her life and film career.

Victoria had a surprise presentation for Heidi…

  1. Victoria brought “The Birthday Poster” a bit worn with bits of miscellaneous tape all over the back from years of adhesion to walls.
  2. Heidi received a montage of photos of Victoria’s sons celebrating a decade + of birthdays in front of the “The Birthday Poster”
  3.  Jai (now almost 22 years old, a rising-Senior at Pitzer College, living in CA,  and 6’2″) emerged from the audience to greet Heidi in person
Au Pair with Heidi 2

Victoria, Heidi and Jai (21) display “The Birthday Poster”…together at last!

It was a an emotional reunion, 16 years in the making…with a significant message: Au Pair in America “Brings the World Together”…and touches Host Families, Au Pairs and Community Counselors alike 🙂

Three Pairs of Sisters in Victoria’s Happy Cluster

The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.

– Cali Rae Turner

This quote could not be more true for 6 young women in my cluster – each is one of a pair of sisters who are currently Au Pairs in my cluster!Sisters x 3Being far from home is certainly helped by having a friend, a sister, nearby – not just in the USA at the same time, but in our cluster (about 20 minutes end to end)!

I recently invited all of my sister pairs to come together for a photo to celebrate this wonderful, and historic, Au Pair year. They had never met each other, so it was fun for them to become friends.

Pictured above are:

Diana and Nicky Glorius from Germany – They arrived to their host families on the exact same day!

Shantal and Seshnie Chetty from South Africa – Their 3rd sister wants to join the program soon!

Lorena and Laura Lopez from Colombia  – They work for the same host family!


Au Pairs Who Attended AAA WINTER DRIVING Class Are Ready for Blizzard of 2016

Au Pairs in Montgomery County attended a class presented by AAA MidAtlantic on Winter Driving last year. Now we ask Au Pairs to review the AAA materials before the snow hits this weekend.


French Au Pairs holding APIA snow scrapers to keep in their purses.

“What great timing! I sent each of my Host Families and Au Pairs an Au Pair in America Ice Scraper to keep in car or purse – last week!!  No idea they would come in handy so soon,” said Victoria Paton, Au Pair in America Senior Community Counselor for the past 16 years in Potomac, Bethesda, Cabin John and Glen Echo.





Here is what AAA advises as we face 1-2 feet of snow:

BALTIMORE —With a blizzard watch in effect, AAA Mid-Atlantic is offering a checklist tips to ensure your vehicle is prepared for the snow.

AAA officials are urging motorists to stay off the roads until the storm has passed and the roads are plowed.

“If you have to be out, drive with caution and give road crews plenty of room to do their job safely,” says Ragina Cooper Averella, manager of public and government affairs for AAA Mid-Atlantic in a statement. “For everyone’s safety on the roads, drivers should allow plenty of extra time to properly clean off their vehicle before getting behind the wheel.”

AAA recommends motorists have an emergency kit prepared before you need it. This should include deicer, shovel, ice scraper, sand or kitty litter (for traction).

In addition, AAA offered these tips:

– Pack a blanket, extra gloves and hat, heavy coat

– Pack snacks, beverages, etc. and have them packed by the door to take in the morning (so they don’t freeze in the car overnight)

– Charge your cellphone and have a backup power source for the car in case you’re stuck for a while

– Make sure your windshield wipers and lights (headlights, taillights, turn signals) are working properly – make sure you can see and can be seen

– Keep a full tank of gas

AAA also offered the following tips for proper driving techniques in a winter storm:

– Wait for the roads to be plowed and treated before venturing out – road surface condition is the single most important safety factor during a winter weather event

– Thoroughly clean off your car and remove all snow and ice before driving anywhere.

– Warm the car up outside of the garage

– Drive slowly

– Increase following distances

– Accelerate and brake slowly as it takes longer to slow down on snowy, icy roads.

– Do not use cruise control and avoid tailgating – normal following distances of three to four seconds for dry pavement should be increased to eight to 10 seconds when driving on icy, slippery surfaces.

Regardless of whether the vehicle has front-, rear- or four-wheel drive, the best way to regain control if the front wheels skid is:

– Take your foot of the brake or accelerator and steer in the direction you want the front of the vehicle to go.

– Avoid slamming on the brakes. Although hitting the brakes is a typical response, slamming the brakes will only further upset the vehicle’s balance and make it harder to regain control.

– Wait for the front wheels to grip the road again. As soon as traction returns, the vehicle will start to steer again.

– When the front wheels have regained their grip, steer the wheels gently in the desired direction of travel and begin to accelerate slowly.

– Use the “plant and steer” method with antilock brake systems. Do not remove your foot from the brake or pump the pedal. If you apply pressure and the wheels lock momentarily, you might feel the brake pedal pulse back against your foot. This is normal. Just hold the brake pedal down and steer. Pumping the pedal actually works against the system.


Au Pair in America Au Pairs Celebrate Christmas at Krispy Kreme

xmas 2015 Victoria and APs

To celebrate Christmas away from home, Au Pair in America Au  Pairs in Victoria Paton’s cluster in20151218_204811 (2) Maryland (Potomac, Bethesda, Cabin John and Glen Echo) donned Santa hats and enjoyed a dessert party at Krispy Kreme in Rockville.

Au Pairs brought a gift to exchange, and in the spirit of the holidays, they also generously donated personal items for Streetlights USA (a charity that supports young women saved in America from trafficking).

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Four lighted trees were decorated by the Au Pairs and then raffled-off to four 20151218_210714 (2)20151218_210658 (2)happy winners.


Many Au Pairs would be spending the holidays with their Host Families while others were looking forward to learning more about America with travel to Florida, Las Vegas, San Diego etc.

College Fair for Au Pairs a Great Success!

Representatives from ten area colleges/institutes at which Au Pairs can study enthusiastically participated in the First Ever Au Pair in America College Fair at Potomac Community Center.

Au Pairs take 72 hours/year (Standard Au Pair) or 144 hours/year (EducarGtowne Au Pair) of education in the topics of their choice as required by the State Department.

Colleges represented: Montgomery College, Borough of Manhattan, Virginia International Univ., LADO, International Language Institute, Stratford University, L’Academie de Cuisine, Georgetown University, American University and UCLA.

“Rather than Au Pairs seeking info on educational opportunities independently around the DC area, I thought it would be better to bring the educators to the Au Pairs so they could walk around and shop opportunities, gather information, understand the registration process for each location.

College representatives thought it was a great idea, too, and we will hold another Au Pair College Fair in Fall 2016.” said Victoria Paton, Senior Community Counselor for Potomac, Bethesda, Glen Echo andCabin John, whBBMCo organized the event.








Au Pair in America AU PAIR COLLEGE FAIR in Maryland

FIRST EVER – Maryland Regional Au Pair in America
Au Pairs from around the region are invited to find out the options for fulfilling their Au Pair in America education requirement…
Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 1230-230pm
Potomac Community Center
11315 Falls Road, Potomac, Maryland

Plenty of parking and is on the T2 bus stop in front (Friendship Heights/Rockville Metros)

Representatives from many Au Pair educational options will be there to help you:


  • Montgomery College Continuing Ed. and Credit Departments
  • LADO (English and TOEFL prep)
  • English House/International Language Institute (ESL and TOEFL prep)
  • Stratford University (event management)
  • Georgetown University (English related courses)
  • L’Academie de Cuisine (culinary)
  • Virginia International University (museum classes)
  • UCLA online program for Au Pairs
  • BMCC Travel courses

Come and find out what is available for Spring 2016!