Au pairs can be the perfect childcare solution: flexible, experienced, loving, and fun, and they also open a window to the world for your kids. Hosting an au pair means no scrambling for coverage for spring break or if someone gets sick, having another adult to drive to softball practice, and more love to go around! All this and more, and the cost is less than most other options!
Families in the Twin Cities are finding that having live-in care can answer many of their childcare needs. We have au pairs from all over the world. They come on a 12 month visa, live with host families, provide up to 45 of childcare each week. They can teach the children their own language, share international cuisine, add new customs to your holiday celebrations, and help with laundry and other child-related household chores.
For more information, just fill out the info form at Au Pair in America | World’s most trusted child care