Au Pair Education Requirement Au Pairs must complete the education component of the program. The requirement is 6 semester hours of academic credit at a post-secondary accredited school. (6 credits = approximately 80 hours in the classroom) EduCare au pairs must complete double of the above. Host families are required to contribute up to $500 (au pair) $1000 (EduCare) for the cost of tuition. An accredited institution is officially recognized by a regional or national accrediting commission of schools.
Host Family Education Requirement The host family is required to pay the cost of up $1000 for EduCare au pairs and $500 for all other au pairs to meet the au pair education requirement. The host family is also required to provide transportation, including gasoline, parking, or public transportation costs (if applicable) to and from classes in your community. The cost of transportation is in addition to the $500 (au pair) $1000 (EduCare) for tuition. The host family must provide an appropriate schedule that allows time for the au pair to take classes.
Weekend Classes: There are some institutions around the country that offer weekend classes. A list of these can be found in the education folder in Field Point. Au Pair in America policy is to allow au pairs to take one weekend course for half their requirement. If the class is not local, the host family is to pay for the class and the au pair is to cover the cost for transportation and meals and lodging not included in the class. Any exceptions or questions about the weekend classes should be directed to our Education Administrator Allison Malino.
UCLA Advantage Online Course: The University of California at UCLA has created a 19-week online course for 6 credits that meets the educational requirement. This is the only online option we approve for au pairs. Any other online class will not be approved as part of the education requirements. This is a very good option for au pairs who are in areas with limited choices for classes.
The next session for UCLA Advantage will be September 25, 2017 – February 12, 2018.
Au pairs can enroll here: Interested au pairs must register and pay, once payment is made she has secured her spot in the class. This course is focused on American History and is designed for more serious students with strong English. In addition to weekly reading and assignments, there is a community involvement piece that requires the au pair to participate in a global awareness presentation, volunteering, and other activities during the course. The cost of the program is $500, it runs for 19 weeks. It will earn au pairs 6 credits towards their education requirement. Registration instructions for au pairs are attached.
Au Pairs ~ Extending
Au Pairs who wish to extend must have completed the required credits by the 11th month of their first year on the program. Please track education carefully, and make sure your au pairs who are interested in extending have enough time to gain the required credits.
Education questions? Check the education folder in Field Point, we have lots of information for counselors there. Any other questions, please contact Allison Malino at or your RPM.