Tips on obtaining these documents in this order:
Social Security Number:
All au pairs will need a SS# to file taxes. Most will also use this to open a bank account and obtain a driver’s license.
Most families accompany their au pair to the SS office to obtain this number. Typically this is done the Friday after the au pair arrives during her first three days of training or shadowing. Follow directions on this link:
You can find the nearest SS office on this link:
Identification needed at the office:
* Passport (has photo)
* 1-94 Number – she should go to to print out her card information)
* J-1 Visa (has photo) and is also inside her passport
* DS 20-19 (folded white paper… shows she is sponsored by APIA) very important document used to first obtain the J-1 visa.
If you are having trouble obtaining this number while at the office, please ask for a supervisor. Let the supervisor know that au pairs do not need a letter and that this policy is stated in the POM (program operations manual) for social security and the reference to this information can be found in section RM 10211.345.
Bank Account:
Most banks now require a Social Security card to get an account. Bank of America is one exception. Best if au pair goes in with a host parent to help if explanation is needed, but sets up an individual account.
Driving License:
All Au Pairs arrive with an international license (good for one year in CA state*). However, most Au Pairs will get a CA State License as the host family’s insurance will determine this need and timing. Do not allow the au pair to drive without being insured by host family carrier. (depending on what the timing is or requirement of the HF car insurance provider – check with them before driving).
Please check this web site to find the nearest DMV to you: . The au pair must have her social security card first before going to get her driver’s license.
There are long waits to get a practical driving test appointment! It’s best to set up the written test as soon as possible if she needs to be driving quickly. (Au Pairs cannot take a practical driving test until the written test is passed).
Before you go to the DMV:
Read the guide, and practice the test at
Identification needed at the DMV office:
- Bring all items listed under Social Security number along with au pair’s
- Country License CAUTION!! Do not let the DMV official take this country license and punch a hole it in! It will not be valid when au pair returns to her country if they do this.
- Bank statement with au pair’s name
- International License (this is a translation of the au pair country license – has photo)
* Any other picture ID …. Student, Country, etc.
* SS Number (the DMV will not issue licenses without it)
* Proof of Residency for Host Parent: VERY IMPORTANT!! They will ask host parent to prove residency here. A bill (with host family address ie. a utility bill) is helpful. Host parent driver’s license is not proof enough.
* Proof of insurance on the car au pair will be using for her test
What the au pair will do at the DMV:
- Take the computer/multiple choice test.
- If she passes the written test , she may have to take the driving test.
- If she passes the driving test, she will get her CA Driver’s License!
*If an au pair is going to extend the program beyond a year, she must have a state driver’s license before moving to her next state or to remain a driver in CA.