Monthly Archives: September 2016

Rainier and her Marmots

This past Sunday was a bit cloudy, a bit rainy (some of us thought the sun may come out and donned shorts…ok one of us and it never did…), but a cheery day for an international community to come together to get to know one another.  We found fewer views, but a plethora of animals.  Chipmunks and marmots posed for us on rocks as the au pair crew of this 2016 hike ascended to new heights.  Also of note, a nice sing-along to the top 40s, including our own Seattle boy, Macklemore.  They are true Seattle-ites now!fullsizerender-13 fullsizerender-14 fullsizerender-15 fullsizerender-16

Bainbridge Scavenger Hunting – August 2016

Au Pairs from around the world gathered on a small island in the PNW for a unique day of bonding and scavenger hunting.  Our crew split up into teams and took to the streets of Bainbridge Island to explore and meet the locals while seeing the sites.  The rain held up long enough for us to end the day with some delicious ice cream from Mora’s.  A sweet end to a sweet day!

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