Tag Archives: alki beach

Host Family Community Day – August 2017

Over 150 kids, au pairs and host parents gathered in West Seattle to share stories, pot luck dishes from around the globe, donate shoes for J-1 day and partake in an international scavenger hunt and water balloon toss.  Our Au Pair In America programs are all about trust between peoples and nations and this year’s water balloon toss was symbolic of the gentle communication and actions required to make a strong match and a connection based in trust.  This group of young women and the families who welcome them into their homes to share in their family life is simple inspiring.

Digging Deep on a Beautiful Morning Beach Stroll – June 2017

It was just a handful of us, but it was one of the most powerful cluster events of the year, I might say.  We got to go deep and really get to know more about each other.  What has been learned, what has been surprising, and what we hope is yet to come.  Thanks to this group of powerful, brave global travelers who put themselves out into the world and are now discovering the power they always had inside of them, but maybe never knew so well.  Seems fitting we had this chat at the birthplace of Seattle here on Alki-New York where the first European settlers landed (cried out of homesickness), but were met by Chief Seattle and a new life in this corner of the U.S.