Tag Archives: resolutions

Resolutions – Conflict and New Year’s – Jan 2017

Au pairs gathered in my home to think about their new year’s resolutions, get to know one another more and discuss conflict resolution skills.  (We really just had a nice, long brunch together as a family away from family!)

New Year’s resolutions included:  saving money, being more positive, playing more sports, studying more English, taking a course that helps a resume, extending the program on the east coast, traveling more, making more friends, meeting as many people as possible, passing the TOEFL, reading one book per month, having fun in Canada, meeting more au pairs, planning the travel month, jumping from a bungee, shopping less, seeing a friend in Atlanta, learning as much about the US as I can, teaching my host kids more about my culture, staying true to myself and becoming confident,  making the best of the rest of the au pair year.
