Tag Archives: rollerskating

Rollerskating the Rain Away – March 2015

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A fantastic group of au pairs – seasoned and new – braved the rain and joined me at the rollerskating rink in Bellevue for a quick lesson for some of us less equipped on 8 wheels.  We informally discussed safety elements of being an au pair outside of work hours.  Online dating, buddy systems, and the recent issues at the UW fraternity parties.  Safety is number one with our the kids in our trust, and also number one with those who take care of those kids!


International Roller City Girls – May 2012

Au Pairs braved the roller rink (many for the first time!) and gave great efforts to staying upright.  They took the lesson, learned the moves and when the music played for the open family skate time, they were ready!

Let the American culture sink in...skating to "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey...a long way from Thailand.

Let the American culture sink in...skating to "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey...a long way from Thailand.

Taking a well deserved break to rest sore muscles - still smiling...

Taking a well deserved break to rest sore muscles - still smiling...