Fun Summer activities!


Summer time fun is up to you to plan and enjoy with your kids.  Have you run out of ideas?  Looking for something fresh?  Here are 100 fun summer activities!

  1. Pick your own….whatever. Find a farm with blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, flowers, etc., and get picking.
  2. Play outside in the rain. Smell the rain on the pavement; splash in puddles; make mud pies.
  3. Make your own rain. Douse everyone with the hose or sprinkler.
  4. Take family naps. Parents nap too!
  5. Have daily quiet time. Big kids need rest too.
  6. Cook out….frequently. Go beyond the burgers. Try veggies or fish. The kids might like them!
  7. Make ‘smores. Chocolate + marshmallow + graham cracker=summer
  8. Camp out. First-timers, try backyard camping.
  9. Camp in. Put the sleeping bags on the floor and have a family slumber party.
  10. Stargaze. Invite friends and make a party of it.
  11. Catch lightening bugs. And then watch them flicker away into the night.
  12. Rearrange the furniture. Give the kids graph paper and have them draw out a plan first.
  13. Make your own pizza. Look online for  a recipe.
  14. Invite friends over for a game night. Have a kids’ games table and an adult one too.
  15. Go to the demolition derby. And expect to see some major crashes.
  16. See an air show. And hope for no crashes.
  17. Stop to smell the flowers. (Go to a botanical garden.)
  18. Talk to the animals. (Go to the zoo.)
  19. Get wet. (Go to a water park.)
  20. Play a word game. Think Scrabble, Boggle or Bananagrams.
  21. Play a card game. Maybe crazy eights, spoons or poker. Take your pick.
  22. Play a board game. Candyland, chess or Monopoly, depending on age and inclination.
  23. Make good use of nearby parks. Go to your local parks website, print the schedule of activities and tape it to the refrigerator.
  24. Pack a picnic. And plop down to eat it just about anywhere, at a free concert, in a state park or in your own backyard.
  25. Start the back-to-school shopping early. The farther from the start of school the more fun my kids think it is.
  26. Get the summer homework done. Not exactly fun, but get it out of the way.
  27. Experiment with new hairdos. Let the kids try out not-permanent colors or braids. Or maybe a spiked look.
  28. Dig in the sand at the beach. Doesn’t matter if it’s on the ocean, lake or bay.
  29. Set a goal and complete a home project. Find ways to let the kids help.
  30. Take an early morning bird walk.
  31. Grow vegetables. And then eat them.
  32. Grow flowers. And then arrange them .
  33. Let the kids cook dinner. In fact, make a tradition of it.
  34. Host the kids’ friends for a sleepover. And the maybe your kids will be invited next…giving you a free evening.
  35. Go to a nearby museum that you’ve never been to before.
  36. Go to your favorite local museum…again.
  37. Go to a carnival or county fair. Eat cotton candy, fried dough or something really bad once this summer.
  38. Decorate your walkways with chalk.
  39. Take a hike. Choose a route near your house or take a drive to a more distant park.
  40. Plant a butterfly garden. Watch the butterflies flutter by.
  41. Make fresh lemonade. Maybe even sell it at a lemonade stand!
  42. Take road trip to a nearby city. Spend the night if you can or just make it a day trip.
  43. Show the kids science is fun. Look for easy experiments online.
  44. Go to a matinee. Find a bargain movie houses and pay less.
  45. Go to the drive-in. If there isn’t one nearby, look for one near your vacation spot. Every kid should go to the drive-in at least once!
  46. Read a chapter book aloud. Or even go on and read a whole series together.
  47. Listen to a classic as an audiobook.
  48. Teach the kids a game you haven’t played since you were a kid.
  49. Meet friends at the playground. Not groundbreaking, but always popular nonetheless.
  50. Visit a historic house. Kids will be amazed at what the old-timers lived without.
  51. Make ice cream.
  52. Use bikes as a mode of transit. Show the kids the way to the store or a friend’s.
  53. Take bike rides for fun. Either leave from your own house or drive to biking trails.
  54. Go fishing. In many states kids can drop a line in without a license.
  55. Paddle a kayak or a canoe. Or if you’re really adventurous try white water rafting.
  56. Jump rope.
  57. Press summer flowers.
  58. String beads.
  59. Blow bubbles.
  60. Play miniature golf. Can you make the last hole-in-one for a free game?
  61. Eat at the counter of a diner. And let the kids spin on the stools.
  62. Find a new place to play. Easy idea: Clear out the basement or garage. Complicated idea: Build a treehouse.
  63. Build a Lego castle. Clear off a table and make it a family project.
  64. Master a new skill together. Learn to juggle, play harmonica, do the hula hoop, etc.
  65. Teach the grandparents to use a computer.
  66. Build a fort. Try pillows in the living room or cardboard boxes in the yard.
  67. Make fairy houses. Use moss, bark and leaves in a dwelling fit for Thumbelina.
  68. Write/illustrate a comic book. Make it a group effort or let everyone do their own.
  69. Oooh and ahh at fireworks. Might have to wait until July 4.
  70. Find a free concert near you.
  71. Fly a kite.
  72. Run in the yard. Kickball, wiffleball, Frisbee and tag will keep you moving.
  73. Visit a local farmers market. And feast on the fruits and veggies of the season.
  74. Create art with beach items.
  75. Have breakfast in bed. Take turns being the server and the served.
  76. Play with clay. Then bake your creations to make them permanent.
  77. Make play dough creations. Then rip them up and do it again.
  78. Make paper airplanes. See whose goes the farthest.
  79. Join the library summer reading club. Parents can list all their books read over the summer too, but I doubt the library will give you a prize.
  80. Keep a sketch diary.
  81. Write in a journal. At the end of the summer share selections with each other about the highlights of the season.
  82. Teach the kids to skip stones.
  83. Make artwork using old photos. Grandma will love them.
  84. Take lessons together. Cooking, yoga, tennis, music, etc.
  85. Play croquet on the lawn. And try bocci too.
  86. Set up a badminton net. You could use it for volleyball too.
  87. Play HORSE. With little ones, set up a mini basketball net next to the real one.
  88. Create a scavenger hunt. Do it on your own property or around town.
  89. Erect a bird feeder. And then watch the show from your window.
  90. Join a Junior Ranger program at a national park.
  91. See a dramatic performance together. Doesn’t matter if it’s a puppet show in the park or a touring Broadway show.
  92. Put on your own dramatic performance. Write a script, sew costumes or just do a little improv.
  93. Make music. Either make your own instruments or play traditional ones.
  94. Play charades.
  95. Break out the family movies. And the popcorn too!
  96. Go to a flea market or garage sale. See if the kids are better negotiators than you.
  97. Have a garage sale. Kids can earn spending money by selling their old stuff.
  98. Climb trees together. Of course, only if the kids are big enough, and you are brave enough.
  99. Get a book a riddles. See if you can stump each other, then write your own.
  100. Keep your kitchen cool. Find a recipe for no bake cookies.

Make this a great Summer!

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