Monthly Archives: February 2015

It’s dental health month

A GI at Guantanamo visits a dentist.

It’s always important to children to brush their teeth but here is a special reminder! Brushing should last 2-3 minutes – use a timer to see how long the children actually brush.

Visit for information, science experiments (do you know what happens to bone if it is soaked in vinegar?) and games about teeth. This is a good time to read books about loose teeth or going to the dentist if your children are at the right age.

What’s the endangered species act?

In 1973 the United States passed a law to protect animals that were in danger of becoming extinct. Tigers, elephants, otters and mountain gorillas are all in danger of disappearing from the earth.

Draw a picture of these animals, visit the zoo to see them, read a book about them or learn more about endangered species at

It’s Groundhog Day!

Traditionally, the groundhog is supposed to wake up on February 2, and come up outof his burrow. If he sees his shadow, he will return to the burrow for six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, he remains outside and starts his year, because
he knows that spring has arrived early. In the U.S., the “official” groundhog is kept in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and is called “Phil.”  Though not based on science, it is a fun US tradition! Check the news this morning, or the newspaper tomorrow to find out when the groundhog thinks winter will end!


Do you need sports insurance?

ice-skateIs it risky to do winter sports without the sports insurance?

Yes. If you have to pay your own hospital bills for a broken bone, you might be shocked at how much that would cost. I checked this website for some cost estimates.

Here are a couple examples:

  • Without medical coverage, to treat a broken arm or leg (that does not require surgery) it could cost up to $2,500.
  • Without medical coverage, to treat a broken arm or leg (requiring surgery) it could cost $16,000 or more.
  • I wanted to make sure everyone understands how the medical coverage works for sports related injuries. There is a list of “high-risk sports/activities” that are not covered with the basic or upgrade medical insurance plans. Those activities are only covered with the Sports Insurance Package (also known as Option A.)

    The Sports Insurance Package was available pre-departure and may also be purchased at any time during your year. It takes effect within 48 hours of your enrollment and it is good for 12 months. The cost will be the same ($75) whether you have a month left or your whole year ahead of you. I recommend you pay for it early on, if you didn’t already purchase it. You never know when an opportunity might present itself and you don’t want to miss out on an adventure. You also don’t want to take a risk on getting injured and being responsible for the bill on your own.

    Below is a partial list of sports that are only covered with the sports insurance package:
    Football, Rugby, Scuba diving, Ski-doo,  Wakeboarding, Skydiving, Parachuting, Rock climbing, Zip line, Skate boarding, Rollerblading, Roller skating, Ice Skating, SkiingSnowboarding,Snowmobiles & Snowshoeing.  View the full list on page 3 of the insurance brochure HERE (2013 arrival au pairs) & HERE for (2014 arrival au pairs)
    Note: Injuries sustained while partaking in these sports are covered with purchase of the Sports Insurance ONLY.

    How to register for the Sports Insurance
    Download the form HERE and follow the instructions. It takes a few days for your coverage to begin. If you think you will be doing any of these sports, you should get it now.