Happy Birthday Big Bird!

big bird

TODAY is Big Bird’s Birthday — HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Big Bird is an 8-foot, 2-inch yellow bird who lives on Sesame Street. Since Sesame Streetpremiered in 1969, Big Bird has entertained millions of pre-school children and their parents with his wide-eyed wondering at the world. Big Bird is also a bird who makes friends easily.

The world-famous bird has been a central character on Sesame Street for the program’s run, premiering in the first episode. The big yellow bird can roller skate, ice skate, dance, sing, write poetry, draw, and even ride a unicycle — pretty talented for a character described in the TV show’s writer’s guide as a 6-year-old. But despite this wide array of talents, he’s prone to frequent misunderstandings, on 1 occasion even singing the alphabet as one big long word, pondering what it could ever mean (see ABC-DEF-GHI). He lives in a large nest behind 123 Sesame Streetand next to Oscar’s trash can, and he has a teddy bear named Radar.


To celebrate Big Bird’s Birthday – make this bird feed craft with the kids:

Regardless of the season, this easy-to-make feeder will be appreciated by your neighborhood birds. It features seed treats to provide them extra energy–particularly suitable during the colder months of the year.

  • 1/4-ounce package of unflavored gelatin
  • 2 cups of your favorite wild birdseed
  • Three 4-inch mini bundt or fluted pans
  • Colorful ribbon


  1. To make a batch, bring 6 tablespoons of water to a boil. Empty one 1/4-ounce package of unflavored gelatin (we used Knox brand) into 2 tablespoons of cold water in a large bowl. Let the gelatin sit for 1 minute, then add the boiling water and stir for 2 to 3 minutes or until the gelatin has dissolved.
  2. Next, stir 2 cups of your favorite wild birdseed into the gelatin, mixing thoroughly. Let the mixture set for a few minutes, then stir again. Repeat this process a few times, if necessary, allowing the seed to absorb the liquid. Spoon the seed mixture into three 4-inch mini bundt or fluted pans (available at many housewares stores–we got ours at Linens ‘n Things–or online cooking supply sites, such as www.nordicware.com).
  3. Place the pans in the refrigerator or a cool room and let them set for at least 3 hours. Remove the wreaths from the molds by inverting the pans and tapping along the bottoms. Allow the wreaths to air-dry overnight.
  4. Finally, tie colorful ribbon around your wreaths and hang them outside in a protected spot, such as under an awning or eaves, where the rain won’t melt them.

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