Monthly Archives: February 2020

Play post office!


On this day in 1792 the first postal service was created in the United States. Preschool and young elementary age children will love to create their own post office at home. Buy some valentines on clearance or use what is around the house. You need envelopes (you can use new ones or save the return envelopes from junk mail), a rubber stamp and inkpad, stickers and some paper. Children can write a note or draw a picture to put in the envelope. They can use the stickers as stamps and the rubber stamp to make the “postmark.” They can deliver the mail to bedrooms or you can create mailboxes by stacking a few empty shoeboxes on their sides. There can also be a box to mail letters – use a larger shoebox or a small cardboard box with the top closed and cut a slot to put the letters through.

It’s Groundhog Day!

Traditionally, the groundhog is supposed to wake up on February 2, and come up outof his burrow. If he sees his shadow, he will return to the burrow for six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, he remains outside and starts his year, because
he knows that spring has arrived early. In the U.S., the “official” groundhog is kept in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and is called “Phil.”  Though not based on science, it is a fun US tradition! Check the news this morning, or the newspaper tomorrow to find out when the groundhog thinks winter will end!
