Monthly Archives: January 2021

What does an au pair say about her year in the US?

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, cloud, sky, outdoor and nature

Three years ago I left my everyday life in Sweden to become an Au Pair in America. I wasn’t sure what to expect other than hoping to experience American culture and to take care of children. I could never have imagined such a great year!

I lived outside Washington DC in a family with 3 children. During my year, my host family became like a second family to me. The children were not only my host children, they were like my little siblings and my host parents became good friends of mine. I made load of friends from all over the world and traveled to many places including Niagara Falls, Los Angeles, Miami Beach, Texas and the Bahamas!!

I am now doing an internship in the London Office of Au Pair in America! I am looking forward to sharing my experience with you all on Monday and answering any questions you might have! See you there, Kajsa … xox

Can you skate?

On this day in 1863 the first 4 wheel roller skates were patented. Now roller blades have replaced roller skates almost everywhere. Is there an indoor roller rink nearby? Skating would be a great way to exercise on a cold or rainy day.

Visit a local rink at: