Monthly Archives: August 2021

Camp Au Pair – Art Experiences

This week’s Camp Au Pair theme is Art Experiences.

Crafts, recipes, activities, and games related to art can all be found here on the Camp Au Pair – Art Experiences pinboard.

Field Trips can be a great way for kids to learn and have new experiences. Get permission from your host parents before any outings and be sure to take all social distancing precautions. Some museums are requiring advanced tickets or have reduced hours due to the pandemic.

  • Art Museums
  • Paint Your Own Pottery Studio
  • Clay and Ceramics Studio

Online Art FunHere is a great website with lots of art activities including ones for older kids.

Webcams – You can do a google search for art websites with webcams. Here are a few to get you started:

Pottery & Ceramics webcam
Glass Blowing webcam

Videos – Look for fun videos on YouTube about drawing and all kinds of art.

Books – Stop by your local library and look for books on famous artists and art.

Check YouTube for books on art being read aloud:


Make a fossil!

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For children ages 4 and older.

Mix together 1/2 cup of plaster and 1/4 cup water in a clean plastic container (or follow package directions).

Cover a seashell with petroleum jelly (Vaseline). When the plaster begins to set (thicken and harden slightly), press the shell into the plaster.

Let it dry overnight and then remove the shell (it should slide out easily).

Use the plaster mold to make clay fossils.

You can also use plaster to preserve a child’s hand or footprint. The plaster washes off skin easily with warm water, but make sure you run lots of water down the drain!

Handprints make wonderful gifts for parents and grandparents.