Tag Archives: drums

It’s international drum month!

Here are instructions (fromĀ www.pbskids.org/zoom) for a drum experiment for school age children. Remind them that drums can be played softly too!

  • First get a container that you think will make a good drum, like a metal bowl or an oatmeal container. Sylvia says that larger containers make better sounds.
  • Put double-sided tape all the way around the container 2 inches from the top.
  • Cut 2 pieces of shrink-wrap big enough to cover the tape on the container. Then, push it onto the tape.
  • Tape the edges of the shrink-wrap with masking tape so it’s really secure.
  • Now blow-dry the shrink-wrap with a blow dryer set on hot. This shrinks the plastic and makes a very tight drum.
  • Be sure you don’t put the end of the blow dryer too close to the plastic, or it will melt.
  • Once it’s really tight, bang your drum.

Now it’s time to experiment. Try to change the sound your drum makes. Can you make a drum with a really deep sound? Test it out with different containers.

Younger children might like to use a coffee can or oatmeal box as a drum and bang on it along with some lively music.