Tag Archives: International Women’s Day

It’s international Women’s Day

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March 8th is International Women’s Day which is celebrated in 176 countries and allows women worldwide to connect, celebrate and honor women past, present, and future.

Au Pair in America is an organization fully committed to enriching the lives and minds of young women and this day is highly regarded by us. Our program provides a platform to change the lives of those who participate. Fanny Carvajal-Delgado, one of our former au pairs from Costa Rica, has said “working as an au pair with Au Pair in America is a life changing experience. It has changed the way I value my family and friends, the way I see the world and the way I think about myself, in a positive way. I will never be the same person! When I finished the program I was more mature, independent and responsible.”

In recognition of International Women’s Day, below are some ways you can celebrate this day as well as National Women’s History month in your local community:

– Register to vote
– Attend an event promoting women’s health, equality or safety
– Thank a woman who has been a positive influence in your life
– Support a program that provides business training for women in developing countries
– Make a donation that provides education for girls

To find for an International Women’s Day event in your area, go to www.internationalwomensday.com