Tag Archives: play dough

Play with peanut butter!


Peanut butter is a favorite food for many children in the U.S, and also a major allergen. Ask your host parents before feeding your host child peanut butter. Some children might like to eat it plain, but it is too sticky and can cause a child to choke. Always put the peanut butter on bread, a cracker, a piece of apple, a celery stick or some other fruit or vegetable.

Tired of eating peanut butter? The kids can play with it too! This is one of the few times it is really okay to play with your food as the play-dough is edible, but only for children over the age of one year.

Peanut Butter Play-dough

  • 3 1/2 cups peanut butter
  • 4 cups confectioner’s sugar
  • 3 1/2 cups honey
  • 4 cups dry milk powder

In a large bowl, cream together the peanut butter and confectioners’ sugar. Then beat in the honey and fold in the milk powder. Divide the dough into small portions and refrigerate or freeze until you are ready to use it.

Let’s make play dough!

play dough

Play dough is the perfect modeling material for children. Their small hands can pat, poke, pinch, roll and knead it into many shapes. Keep it in an airtight container to use another day, or let it air dry into favorite shapes.

Measure 2 cups of flour, one cup of salt and 4 teaspoons of cream of tartar into a bowl. Add 1/4 cup of oil to one cup of water in a separate bowl then add the mixture to the dry ingredients. Squeeze 10-20 drops of food coloring into one cup of water and add it to the mixture. Mix well to make it smooth and to spread the color evenly. Cook the dough at low heat in a wide pan, stirring constantly until it becomes rubbery. Remove the dough from the heat and knead it for a few minutes. When it cools the kids can play too!

Photo: Gina Guillotine