Tag Archives: words

A Valentine’s Day activity for your family

File:Antique Valentine 1909 01.jpg

Have fun with these idioms. Which ones exist or don’t exist in your language?

List of “heart” idioms with definitions

to have a heart of gold – to care about other people
to have a big heart – to be giving, caring
to be cold-hearted -lacking in sympathy
to wear your heart on your sleeve- to let everyone know how you feel about someone
to cross your heart and hope to die -to promise
to cry your heart out – to cry a lot and feel really badly about something
to eat your heart out – to be jealous of someone
from the bottom of your heart – to really mean something
to have a change of heart -to change your mind
to have a heart – to be compassionate, to care about other people
to have your heart in your mouth- to be scared or nervous
to have your heart set on something – to really want something
to set your heart at rest – stop worrying about something
to be soft hearted – to be sympathetic
to take something to heart- to have your feelings hurt by something someone else says or does

Let’s play scrabble!

Alfred Butts who was born on this day in 1899 invented Scrabble, the game that uses letter tiles to spell words. As soon as children learn to read and spell they can play an easy version of Scrabble. You may have a regular Scrabble set or even a Junior Scrabble game that you can play with the children. For very beginning readers you can create your own simple game by making letter tiles from index cards for each letter that is used in the words the child knows. Be sure to make extra vowels (a, e, i, o, u) as they appear most frequently. Uses these letter cards together you can help strengthen the children’s reading and spelling skills while having fun.