Thanks to everyone that participated in the annual Au Pair in America Photo Contest this year! This contest highlights what a life-changing experience Au Pair in America provides participants, and the long-lasting bonds between au pairs and their host families.
Your votes have been tallied and, without further ado, here are the winning entries for 2019:
Category: Best in Show
When asked “What do you like doing with your host children?” Bruna from Colombia said, “Doing crafts, going to the playground, swimming, singing, dancing, playing video games. In general, every activity that we share is really fun and I love spend time with them. They make me smile every day. I love them.”
Category: Family Portrait
When asked, “What do you enjoy the most about being a member of your host family?” Maria from Mexico said, “I love my host family so much. They adopted me as a member of the family, they opened the doors of [their] house and they opened their hearts. My favorite part of the day is dinner because we are all together and we laugh a lot.”
Category: Homework Help
When asked, “What do you like doing with your host children? Why?” Claudia from Colombia said, “I love reading with them, especially because they ask questions about the stories and they’re always interested in knowing more. They love books like me and that’s amazing. Also, go to the playground where we had a lot of fun exploring.”
Category: Multiples
When asked, “What do you enjoy the most about being a member of your host family?” Bruna from Brazil said, “I like how I feel part of the family and I can say that I have my second family here in the USA.”
Category: Sharing the Culture
When asked, “What is your favorite memory of your stay in the U.S.A. so far?” Krisna from Brazil said, “I have a lot of amazing and favorite memories, but part of those will always be from my host family. I feel so blessed to have found them. My host mom is always trying to make me feel welcome and when you’re by yourself in another country, that changes everything. I appreciate them so much and will have this memory with me forever.”
Category: Young Ones
When asked, “What do you like doing with your host children?” Isabella from Brazil said, “I love to share some of my passions with my host children because it makes me happy to see how they engage and start sharing the same passion as mine. For example, I love baking so we always cook together and they even ask me some days if we can try a new recipe. I love music and my host kids love to sing and dance so I always show them my favorite songs (if the lyrics are appropriate) and now they say their favorite songs and artists are the ones I showed them. It’s like I’m a role model for them.”
She also said, “I love how my host family welcomed me as a family member since my first day at their house. They always tell me that they treat me as they wish their children would be treated if they were having the same experience of living abroad with a host family so we have an awesome relationship and this is priceless to me”
What lovely images from our au pairs across the country! These snapshots provide a wonderful glimpse into the world of an au pair and host family with Au Pair in America, their cultural exchange experience, and how so much good comes from the opportunity for au pairs to provide live-in child care in the United States.
In need of flexible, dependable child care? Bring the world to your home and host an au pair.