Sometimes, it seems like certain people come into our lives right when we need them, and the resulting relationship changes each person for the better. That’s certainly the case with Czech au pair Taťána, an Au Pair in America participant, and her American host family. Táňa’s host mother recently wrote this lovely account of her family’s experience with Táňa as she quickly bonded with each member of the family upon her arrival and became an integral part of their daily lives.
Táňa’s host mother shares the impact this Czech au pair has made on her American family:
“Táňa was meant to be our au pair. We didn’t match with her right away, […] but she knew we were the right family for her and she took the risk to wait on us. We are so glad that she did.
From her very first jet lagged and disoriented weekend, Táňa had a smile on her face and made sure to connect with each of us. She got down on the floor to play Paw Patrol with Nathan and giggled watching Home Alone with Tristan. She helped us cook and made us her family’s special potato salad for Christmas. In keeping with Czech tradition, no one was allowed to leave the table during Christmas dinner to ensure that we all had good luck for the year! We loved her from that first month and it has just gotten better from there.
She knows the kids’ schedules better than I do and she makes sure they are on time, dressed in the right uniform and ready to play their sports with snacks and water. In fact, when Táňa was on vacation, Tristan showed up in the wrong colors to soccer practice because Mommy got the days mixed up, even though Táňa never does. She comes to their important events and cheers on their successes as if they were her own. She even texts me when she is off to find out how their games went and to send them encouragement and kisses. This summer, every day was fun, as Táňa planned outings, encouraged play dates and took them roller skating and to the pool.
No matter how difficult the day is, she always leaves the boys with hugs and kisses, good night stories and plans for a great day tomorrow. Even if she is not in charge anymore, if she is around at bedtime, she makes sure to come upstairs and wish them a good night. As Nathan says, ‘We love her so, so much! She’s the best au pair on Earth!’
Táňa has been more than an au pair: she is a big sister to our boys and a cherished member of our family. Táňa brings a smile to every day, even the hard ones. She has made our lives so much better.”
Is your family searching for a unique, intercultural child care experience with a sweet, skilled au pair like Táňa? Learn more about hosting an au pair today!