Parents of multiples (twins, triplets, or more) have their hearts and their hands full! They need dependable, flexible child care assistance they can count on, as caring for multiples can pose many unique challenges. Need an extra set of hands for your terrific team? Let’s talk child care for multiples!
You already know the advantages that hosting an au pair brings to your family: cultural exchange, flexibility, and affordability. But our hundreds of current host families with multiples tell us that there’s something special about hosting an au pair when you have multiples.
Read on for just a few of the benefits of au pair child care as a parent of multiples:
1. Screening
At Au Pair in America, we do the screening legwork, so you don’t have to. You’ll have the ability to search our large pool of candidates, all of whom have been screened, interviewed, and vetted. This is especially important for families with multiples, as you’ll be able to see which candidates have experience with different age groups (including our “infant qualified” au pairs), work history at a child care center (they’re already experts at juggling!), and even previous experience with multiples. The ultimate decision of which au pair is the best for your family, of course, lies with you! Au Pair in America gives you the expert advice, tools and resources for interviewing and vetting based upon your specific needs to help you make this important decision.
2. Find a teammate (and an extra set of hands)!
Going back to work after maternity leave? Dreaming of taking a yoga class (or even just taking a shower)? Having an au pair in your home means you have child care assistance for working hours and can also have some of that “me” time you are so missing. Go run an errand, grab coffee with a friend, or enjoy a date night! Additionally, when you host an au pair, you’ll have a teammate to carry that second car seat or give you some special time with an older child who may be missing you! Our current host families tell us that having an extra set of hands is a life-changer.
3. Cost
For families with multiples, hosting an au pair with Au Pair in America can be a more “wallet-friendly” child care assistance option. We know our families of multiples often must budget for double the big-ticket items, so finding an affordable child care plan is key. Unlike other forms of child care, such as daycare centers, the cost of hosting an au pair is per family, not per child — yet another reason families with multiples are choosing Au Pair in America.
The Au Pair in America program is the first and most trusted au pair agency in the U.S. providing a wonderful option for busy working families and parents who could use an extra helping hand. Au pairs are ages 18 to 26, are carefully screened and come from nearly 60 countries around the world to become a part of your family and share their culture while learning about yours. Welcoming an au pair into your home is a rewarding, cultural experience for the entire family!
Did you know? Au Pair in America was recently named “Best Overall Au Pair Program” by Verywell Family.