Various foreign governments are organizing repatriation flights for their citizens. Every country is different, but the first several steps are the same.
Step 1 – Au pairs must register with their embassies in to receive information directly from their embassy re: repatriation flights and in order to get on the list for a flight home
Step 2 – Au pair should communicate with both her host family and community counselor on the flight she is being offered by her embassy
Step 3 – Au pair needs to complete process with embassy to book flight and make payment for the flight directly through the embassy*
*For most countries the au pair has to pay and will be reimbursed by the agency. South Africa is highlighted because payment must come from a South African bank account. Please note that repairs in their first year going home early are NOT eligible to be reimbursed for the flight.
Step 4 – Au pair submits receipt to Au Pair in America for proper reimbursement upon return to her home country. Ask your community counselor for the agency contact.
Step 5 – Communicate your departure date with your community counselor for agency documentation of when the au pair is departing the US.
Key: EV – represents – Exchange Visitors i.e. au pairs
Here is more detail on El Salvador
Please email your community counselor with any questions you may have.