Au pair Favorite FREE Online Courses!



All online classes must be finished within 2020. All colleges must be a USA college and accredited by the University system. Check with your counselor before beginning any online course. 

1.Yale University: The Science of well-Being.

This course challenges you to be happy and let go of ideas that keep us from being our best!

2. Georgia Institute of Technology: Improve your English Communication Skills.                           This is a four-part course that will give about 15 hours for each course, If you finish all of them, it is 60 hours.

3.The University of Pennsylvania: English For Career Development. This is a 40 hour FREE course!

4.The University of Californa at Irvine: The pronunciation of American English Specialization.

This is a four-part course that gives about 20 hours per course. 80 hours for the total specialization.

5. Yale University: Introduction to Psychology. This course provides 15 hours.