Busy Week for Suffolk County Au Pair in America

Pizza & Sunset was the theme for our May Cluster meeting on Thursday evening.  We gathered at West Meadow Beach in Stony Brook.  Community Counselor, Cindy Garruba, brought lots of pizza and bottles of water. Everyone enjoyed visiting with each other and sharing time together. The sunset was spectacular over the Long Island Sound.Read More

Suffolk Au Pairs Celebrate Mom’s Day

Suffolk APIA au pairs prepared an International Cookbook for their host moms for Mother’s Day.  They provided their favorite recipes from their countries and pictures with their host moms. Au Pairs from Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, France, Germany, Panama, South Africa, and Thailand contributed recipes and gave the cookbook to their Host Moms as a gift.  Read More

Easter and Passover

Wishing all of you who celebrate Easter and/or Passover a very happy holiday!  Some lucky people get to enjoy double the festivities! Celebrating Easter Easter is one of the most awaited Christian festivals. It is celebrated throughout the world by the followers of Christian community. It is considered to be very auspicious as it is believed Read More

Daylight Saving Time Begins March 11

What is Daylight Saving Time? During Daylight Saving Time, clocks are turned forward one hour, effectively moving an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. Today, approximately 70 countries worldwide utilize Daylight Saving Time, in at least some portion of the country. The U.S. started observing it in 1918, so it celebrates it’s Read More

Trek America Cluster Meeting

Travel and adventure awaits young women when they come to America with Au Pair in America.  Trek America offers APIA au pairs 20% off their trips throughout North America! Trek America guide Julie Patterson, comes fresh from an incredible season on the road, full of stories and enthusiasm to get au pairs Read More

Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is celebrated in the United States every year on February 14th. There are many stories and legends behind who the real St. Valentine was, but most scholars agree that he was a martyr who was killed by Roman soldiers because he was marrying people in secret at a time when marriage was outlawed.  Read More

Focus on Play: New Ideas for Some Classic Toys

It is good to offer kids a balance of independent play time and play where you are actively engaging with them. You can make toys they may be bored with, feel new and exciting, by suggesting different ways to play with them. Try some of the ideas below as a starting point. Play Food/Dishes Teach Read More

Suffolk Au Pairs Celebrate the Holiday Season!

  Sunday December 10th the Suffolk Au Pair in America      Au Pairs celebrated the holiday season with a party at           Senior Community Counselor, Cindy Garruba’s home.   Each au pair prepared a dish from their country for the International Feast!  So much yummy food and everyone enjoyed tasting the treats from so many countries!  Lively conversation followed the feast! We played a game with some Read More

Stony Brook Holiday Festival Enjoyed by APIA Families & Au Pairs

Sunday, December 3rd was the annual Stony Brook Village Holiday Festival.  This year APIA was one of the sponsors of the festival.  Host families and au pairs came together to decorate the APIA International Peace Tree.  Decorations were made by au pairs and host children. Santa arrived Read More

Avoiding Homesickness this Holiday Season

Homesickness can be a problem during the holidays, even if it hasn’t been at any other time of the year. Au pairs often miss their friends and family, familiar places and their own traditions and customs. The holiday activities in the United States seem, and may actually be, different just at a time when an Read More