Tag Archives: host parents

Holiday Fun!

This time of year, many au pairs ask about what to do for the holidays for their host family! Holiday gifts do not need to be expensive to be appreciated. A handmade gift, especially if the children help you, can mean more than something purchased in a store.  Check these links to find inspiration for gift giving!

Stephen Depolo


Gift ideas for host parents from au pairs:

Photo magnets

Manicure in a jar

Cookies from your country

Personalized ornament

Gift ideas for au pairs from host families:

I left my heart in…. necklace

Gift ideas for au pairs

Tour tickets

Movie tickets




SNOW is coming!!!

As we prepare for what looks like our first good snowfall of the season, a few reminders!

*If you have school aged kids who will be home due to school closures, this will change your work hours. Host parents and au pairs should work together to adjust the schedule as needed to stay within the regulations from the Dept. of State. Remember, no more than 10 hours per day and no more than 45 hours per work week. Host parents should be cognizant of this and if you are home too, look at having the au pair start late or end early. You can also choose a middle of the day break, but remember, a meaningful break is three hours minimum. The key here is to be flexible and prepared!

*Winter fun! Check out our Pinterest boards for some great ideas on beating the winter blues! Do you want to build a snowman (inside where it’s warm)? Check out the Olaf activity. How about “painting” snow? We can show you how! Make sure you bundle up when heading outside. Don’t forget hot chocolate or tea when you come back in!

Winter FUN on Pinterest


Michelle Tribe

Photo by Michelle Tribe