Tag Archives: I love my job

Au Pairs Return for a Visit

Recently, three of my former au pairs, Atessa, Anna and Sophie (all visiting for part of the summer) planned a road trip to include a visit with me (Atessa & Sophie had been with the same host family. The family now resides in Philadelphia).
These lovely ladies brought along two au pair friends, Elise & Lea. Elise is an au pair with the host family for Atessa & Sophie currently! Such a joy to visit with them and witness how friendships grow through our program!

From Sophie –

“I loved going to the US as an au Pair with au pair of America. It was a great experience!
I loved my host family, my counselor (she’s the best!) And the place I stayed. I got to meet one of my best friends Anna. Also some really good friends, who have been the previous and the new au pair of my host family. I am so glad, that I got to meet all of these wonderful people and have a great time with them.”