Category Archives: Fun Things We Do

Self Defense Class

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Last night our Au Pairs were able to go to the Fairfax County Criminal Justice Training Academy for a self defense class with a great Officer.

The program was based on realistic, common sense, safety precautions/practices, and strategies we can implement to stay safe and avoid confrontations. The officer highlighted day to day activities, and some simple precautions we can take to minimize being identified as a potential target.

We also discussed strategies and possible options (both verbal and physical) to reduce the possibility of injury in the event of a physical confrontation.

Everyone had a great time and learned many new tricks to stay safe!

14th Annual Washington, DC Scavenger Hunt


Approximately 300 Au Pairs from all around the DC area and their 21 Community Counselors gathered at the Washington Monument early Sunday to participate in the 14th Annual Washington DC Scavenger Hunt!

It was an incredible day! Sun was shining, temperatures were great, and the Au Pairs had a wonderful time running around to get answers, pictures, and items requested on their sheet.

A wonderful day for Au Pairs and Counselors alike!

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Au Pair Firsts – A Video Quilt

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Au Pair Firsts – A Video Quilt

Thousands of young women arrive in the U.S. every year to participate in the Au Pair in America program. For many of these women, there are many “firsts” that they experience while they’re in the United States.

We asked our au pairs to submit videos of memorable “firsts,” and we’ve had so many wonderful submissions. Special thank you gifts will be sent out to all who participated! Many thanks to our wonderful APIA au pairs!

2014 Au Pair in America DC Regional Cultural Fair


Au Pair in America is hosting a DC Regional Cultural Fair

Au pairs representing over 35 different countries will provide: children’s activities, performances, visual displays, face painting and a cultural parade. This event is open to the public. Anyone interested in learning about other cultures and the Au Pair in America program are invited.


Saturday, April 5, 2014
1:00-3:00 PM
Spanish Ballroom

Glen Echo Park
7300 MacArthur Boulevard
Glen Echo, Maryland 20812

Check out this video from our last Regional Cultural Fair:

For more information, please contact Diane Wallace at or Gwen Remy at

Self Defense Class


Last night our Au Pairs were able to go to the Fairfax County Criminal Justice Training Academy for a self defense class with 5 amazing Officers.

The program was based on realistic, common sense, safety precautions/practices, and strategies we can implement to stay safe and avoid confrontations. The officers highlighted day to day activities, and some simple precautions we can take to minimize being identified as a potential target.

We also discussed strategies and possible options (both verbal and physical) to reduce the possibility of injury in the event of a physical confrontation.

Everyone had a great time and learned many new tricks to stay safe!
